Jennifer (Walley) Carter
Jennifer (Walley) Carter
Ďalšie menáJennifer Lynn Walley
Case Western Reserve University, Case School of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and
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Citované v
In-Situ Mechanical Testing for Characterizing Strain Localization During Deformation at Elevated Temperatures
JL Walley, R Wheeler, MD Uchic, MJ Mills
Experimental mechanics 52, 405-416, 2012
Impact of speckle pattern parameters on DIC strain resolution calculated from in-situ SEM experiments
JLW Carter, MD Uchic, MJ Mills
Fracture, Fatigue, Failure, and Damage Evolution, Volume 5: Proceedings of …, 2015
Characterization of localized deformation near grain boundaries of superalloy René-104 at elevated temperature
JLW Carter, MW Kuper, MD Uchic, MJ Mills
Materials Science and Engineering: A 605, 127-136, 2014
Characterization of nanoscale precipitates in superalloy 718 using high resolution SEM imaging
TM Smith, NM Senanayake, CK Sudbrack, P Bonacuse, RB Rogers, ...
Materials Characterization 148, 178-187, 2019
Mapping multivariate influence of alloying elements on creep behavior for design of new martensitic steels
AK Verma, JA Hawk, LS Bruckman, RH French, V Romanov, JLW Carter
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 3106-3120, 2019
Characterization of strain accumulation at grain boundaries of nickel-based superalloys
JLW Carter, N Zhou, JM Sosa, PA Shade, AL Pilchak, MW Kuper, Y Wang, ...
Superalloys 2012, 12th, 2012
Low-cycle fatigue of ultra-fine-grained cryomilled 5083 aluminum alloy
JL Walley, EJ Lavernia, JC Gibeling
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40, 2622-2630, 2009
Predictions of long-term creep life for the family of 9–12 wt% Cr martensitic steels
AK Verma, JA Hawk, V Romanov, JLW Carter
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 815, 152417, 2020
Influence of processing on the microstructure of Cu–8Cr–4Nb
LG Vettraino, JL Heelan, CA Faconti, JL Walley, A Garg, JR Groza, ...
Journal of materials science 43, 6546-6555, 2008
Screening of heritage data for improving toughness of creep-resistant martensitic steels
AK Verma, WH Huang, JA Hawk, LS Bruckman, RH French, V Romanov, ...
Materials Science and Engineering A 793 (19), 138142, 2019
Computer vision approaches for segmentation of nanoscale precipitates in nickel-based superalloy IN718
NM Senanayake, JLW Carter
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 9 (4), 446-458, 2020
EBSD analysis for microstructure characterization of Zr-based bulk metallic glass composites
J Booth, J Lewandowski, J Carter
Microscopy and Microanalysis 20 (S3), 852-853, 2014
The influence of post-processing on creep and microstructure of rolled Cu–8Cr–4Nb
JL Walley, JL Heelan, LG Vettraino, JR Groza, JC Gibeling
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (26), 6956-6962, 2010
Fatigue crack propagation and fracture toughness of cortical bone are radiation dose‐dependent
DB Crocker, I Hoffman, JLW Carter, O Akkus, CM Rimnac
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 41 (4), 823-833, 2023
Materials data analytics for 9% Cr family steel
VN Romanov, N Krishnamurthy, AK Verma, LS Bruckman, RH French, ...
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal 12 (4 …, 2019
Lead-free perovskite thin film solar cells from binary sources
KA Montiel, C Yang, CH Andreasen, MS Gottlieb, MR Pfefferkorn, ...
2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1183-1186, 2019
A statistical study of the effects of processing upon the creep properties of GRCop-84
DL Ellis, JLW Carter, MH Ferry
Materials Science and Engineering: A 640, 1-15, 2015
Transmission EBSD-Bridging the Gap between SEM and TEM
A Avishai, J Carter, MZ Azar, B Narayanan, AH Heuer
Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 (S2), 694-695, 2013
A phenomenological understanding of the influence of processing methods on creep of Cu-8Cr-4Nb (GRCop-84)
LG Vettraino, M Zhang, JLW Carter, JR Groza, JC Gibeling
Materials Science and Engineering: A 756, 538-544, 2019
Exploration of the sliding behavior of a Σ11 grain boundary with precipitates in Ni–Al system using molecular dynamics
RL Morrison, SJ Fensin, JLW Carter
Materialia 7, 100383, 2019
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