Niranjan Ghaisas
Citované v
Citované v
Evaluation of layout and atmospheric stability effects in wind farms using large‐eddy simulation
NS Ghaisas, CL Archer, S Xie, S Wu, E Maguire
Wind Energy 20 (7), 1227-1240, 2017
Benefits of collocating vertical‐axis and horizontal‐axis wind turbines in large wind farms
S Xie, CL Archer, N Ghaisas, C Meneveau
Wind Energy 20 (1), 45-62, 2017
Geometry-based models for studying the effects of wind farm layout
NS Ghaisas, CL Archer
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33 (3), 481-501, 2015
Effect of tip spacing, thrust coefficient and turbine spacing in multi-rotor wind turbines and farms
NS Ghaisas, AS Ghate, SK Lele
Wind Energy Science 5 (1), 51-72, 2020
Large-eddy simulation study of multi-rotor wind turbines
NS Ghaisas, AS Ghate, SK Lele
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037 (7), 072021, 2018
Large eddy simulation of thermal driven cavity: Evaluation of sub-grid scale models and flow physics
NS Ghaisas, DA Shetty, SH Frankel
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 56 (1), 606-624, 2013
Large eddy simulation of turbulent horizontal buoyant jets
NS Ghaisas, DA Shetty, SH Frankel
Journal of Turbulence 16 (8), 772-808, 2015
A unified high-order Eulerian method for continuum simulations of fluid flow and of elastic–plastic deformations in solids
NS Ghaisas, A Subramaniam, SK Lele
Journal of Computational Physics 371, 452-482, 2018
High-Order Eulerian Simulations of Multimaterial Elastic–Plastic Flow
A Subramaniam, NS Ghaisas, SK Lele
Journal of Fluids Engineering 140 (5), 050904, 2018
Large eddy simulation of transitional flow in an idealized stenotic blood vessel: evaluation of subgrid scale models
A Pal, K Anupindi, Y Delorme, N Ghaisas, DA Shetty, SH Frankel
Journal of biomechanical engineering 136 (7), 071009, 2014
Interaction of small scale Homogenenous Isotropic Turbulence with an Actuator Disk
AS Ghate, N Ghaisas, SK Lele, A Towne
2018 Wind Energy Symposium, 0753, 2018
Dynamic gradient models for the sub-grid scale stress tensor and scalar flux vector in large eddy simulation
NS Ghaisas, SH Frankel
Journal of Turbulence 17 (1), 30-50, 2015
A Predictive Analytical Model for Surface Shear Stresses and Velocity Profiles Behind a Surface Roughness Jump
NS Ghaisas
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 176 (3), 349-368, 2020
Sensitivity issues in finite-difference large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer with dynamic subgrid-scale models
S Xie, N Ghaisas, CL Archer
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 157, 421-445, 2015
Large-eddy simulation and analytical modeling study of the wake of a wind turbine behind an abrupt rough-to-smooth surface roughness transition
NN Kethavath, K Mondal, NS Ghaisas
Physics of Fluids 34 (12), 125117, 2022
High-order Eulerian methods for elastic-plastic flow in solids and coupling with fluid flows
NS Ghaisas, A Subramaniam, SK Lele
46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Aviation, AIAA-2016 3350, 1-17, 2016
A priori evaluation of large eddy simulation subgrid-scale scalar flux models in isotropic passive-scalar and anisotropic buoyancy-driven homogeneous turbulence
NS Ghaisas, SH Frankel
Journal of Turbulence 15 (2), 88-121, 2014
PadeOps Github Repository
A Subramaniam, AS Ghate, NS Ghaisas, MF Howland
Farm Efficiency of Large Wind Farms: Evaluation using Large Eddy Simulation
NS Ghaisas, AS Ghate, SK Lele
Proc. Tenth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 6-9, 2017
Large eddy simulation study of atmospheric boundary layer flow over an abrupt rough-to-Smooth surface roughness transition
K Mondal, NN Kethavath, K Abhinay, NS Ghaisas
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 188 (2), 229-257, 2023
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