The prevalence of symptoms in end-stage renal disease: a systematic review FEM Murtagh, J Addington-Hall, IJ Higginson Advances in chronic kidney disease 14 (1), 82-99, 2007 | 1228 | 2007 |
Depression in advanced disease: a systematic review Part 1. Prevalence and case finding M Hotopf, J Chidgey, J Addington-Hall, KL Ly Palliative medicine 16 (2), 81-97, 2002 | 647 | 2002 |
Who should measure quality of life? J Addington-Hall, L Kalra Bmj 322 (7299), 1417-1420, 2001 | 574 | 2001 |
Secondary analysis of qualitative data: a valuable method for exploring sensitive issues with an elusive population? T Long-Sutehall, M Sque, J Addington-Hall Journal of Research in Nursing 16 (4), 335-344, 2011 | 512 | 2011 |
A comparison of the palliative care needs of patients dying from chronic respiratory diseases and lung cancer P Edmonds, S Karlsen, S Khan, J Addington-Hall Palliative medicine 15 (4), 287-295, 2001 | 470 | 2001 |
Randomised controlled trial of non-directive counselling, cognitive-behaviour therapy, and usual general practitioner care for patients with depression. I: Clinical effectiveness E Ward, M King, M Lloyd, P Bower, B Sibbald, S Farrelly, M Gabbay, ... Bmj 321 (7273), 1383-1388, 2000 | 461 | 2000 |
Judging the quality of care at the end of life: can proxies provide reliable information? CJ McPherson, JM Addington-Hall Social science & medicine 56 (1), 95-109, 2003 | 437 | 2003 |
Dying from cancer: results of a national population-based investigation J Addington-Hall, M McCarthy Palliative medicine 9 (4), 295-305, 1995 | 429 | 1995 |
The healthcare needs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in the last year of life H Elkington, P White, J Addington-Hall, R Higgs, P Edmonds Palliative medicine 19 (6), 485-491, 2005 | 392 | 2005 |
Knowledge and communication difficulties for patients with chronic heart failure: qualitative study AE Rogers, JM Addington-Hall, AJ Abery, ASM McCoy, C Bulpitt, ... Bmj 321 (7261), 605-607, 2000 | 377 | 2000 |
Place of death and access to home care services: are certain patient groups at a disadvantage? GE Grande, JM Addington-Hall, CJ Todd Social science & medicine 47 (5), 565-579, 1998 | 362 | 1998 |
Symptoms in advanced renal disease: a cross-sectional survey of symptom prevalence in stage 5 chronic kidney disease managed without dialysis FEM Murtagh, JM Addington-Hall, PM Edmonds, P Donohoe, I Carey, ... Journal of palliative medicine 10 (6), 1266-1276, 2007 | 345 | 2007 |
Place of death of older persons with dementia. A study in five European countries D Houttekier, J Cohen, J Bilsen, J Addington‐Hall, ... Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 58 (4), 751-756, 2010 | 337 | 2010 |
Research sensitivities to palliative care patients J Addington‐Hall European journal of cancer care 11 (3), 220-224, 2002 | 324 | 2002 |
The experience of dying with dementia: a retrospective study M McCARTHY, J ADDINGTON‐HALL, DAN Altmann International journal of geriatric psychiatry 12 (3), 404-409, 1997 | 322 | 1997 |
Randomised controlled trial of effects of coordinating care for terminally ill cancer patients. JM Addington-Hall, LD MacDonald, HR Anderson, J Chamberlain, ... British medical journal 305 (6865), 1317-1322, 1992 | 304 | 1992 |
Which patients with cancer die at home? A study of six European countries using death certificate data J Cohen, D Houttekier, B Onwuteaka-Philipsen, G Miccinesi, ... Journal of Clinical Oncology 28 (13), 2267-2273, 2010 | 290 | 2010 |
Supporting lay carers in end of life care: current gaps and future priorities G Grande, K Stajduhar, S Aoun, C Toye, L Funk, J Addington-Hall, ... Palliative medicine 23 (4), 339-344, 2009 | 282 | 2009 |
The last year of life of COPD: a qualitative study of symptoms and services H Elkington, P White, J Addington-Hall, R Higgs, C Pettinari Respiratory medicine 98 (5), 439-445, 2004 | 277 | 2004 |
After-death interviews with surrogates/bereaved family members: some issues of validity J Addington-Hall, C McPherson Journal of pain and symptom management 22 (3), 784-790, 2001 | 267 | 2001 |