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Using DNA barcoding to track seafood mislabeling in Los Angeles restaurants DA Willette, SE Simmonds, SH Cheng, S Esteves, TL Kane, H Nuetzel, ... Conservation Biology 31 (5), 1076-1085, 2017 | 140 | 2017 |
Evidence of host-associated divergence from coral-eating snails (genus Coralliophila) in the Coral Triangle SE Simmonds, V Chou, SH Cheng, R Rachmawati, HP Calumpong, ... Coral Reefs 37 (2), 355-371, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Integrating phylogeographic and ecological niche approaches to delimitating cryptic lineages in the blue–green damselfish (Chromis viridis) SYV Liu, MN Tuanmu, R Rachmawati, GN Mahardika, PH Barber PeerJ 7, e7384, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
The Effectiveness of Artificial Reefs in Improving Ecosystem Health to Increase Coral Reef Resilience R Puspasari, NN Wiadnyana, ST Hartati, R Rachmawati, Y Yahya Jurnal Segara 16 (2), 115-126, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
PENELUSURAN V ARIETAS IKAN GURAME, Osphrollemus goramy, Lacepede, BERDASARKAN PENAMPILAN KARAKTER LUAR (FENOTIP) K Soewardi, R Rachmawati, R Affandi, DG Bengen Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia 3 (2), 23-31, 1995 | 8 | 1995 |
Differential Responses of Coral-Associated Microbiomes to Elevated Temperatures Across the Indonesian Archipelago at Species, Local, and Regional Scales R Rachmawati UCLA, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Penelusuran varietas ikan Gurame, Osphronemus goramy, Lacepede, dengan menggunakan analisis komponen utama K Soewardi, R Rachmawati, DG Bengen, R Affandi Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia 3 (1), 1-15, 1995 | 4 | 1995 |
Differential specificity between closely related corals and abundant Endozoicomonas endosymbionts across global scales CR VOOLSTRA, MJ NEAVE, R RACHMAWATI, L XUN, CT MICHELL, ... Nature, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |