Rudolf Kerschreiter
Citované v
Citované v
Group decision making under conditions of distributed knowledge: The information asymmetries model.
FC Brodbeck, R Kerschreiter, A Mojzisch, S Schulz-Hardt
Academy of Management Review 32 (2), 459-479, 2007
Group decision making in hidden profile situations: dissent as a facilitator for decision quality.
S Schulz-Hardt, FC Brodbeck, A Mojzisch, R Kerschreiter, D Frey
Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (6), 1080, 2006
Interactive effects of work group and organizational identification on job satisfaction and extra-role behavior
R Van Dick, D Van Knippenberg, R Kerschreiter, G Hertel, J Wieseke
Journal of Vocational Behavior 72 (3), 388-399, 2008
The dissemination of critical, unshared information in decision‐making groups: The effects of pre‐discussion dissent
FC Brodbeck, R Kerschreiter, A Mojzisch, D Frey, S Schulz‐Hardt
European Journal of Social Psychology 32 (1), 35-56, 2002
Teaching implicit leadership theories to develop leaders and leadership: How and why it can make a difference
B Schyns, T Kiefer, R Kerschreiter, A Tymon
Academy of Management learning & education 10 (3), 397-408, 2011
Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
R Van Dick, JE Lemoine, NK Steffens, R Kerschreiter, SA Akfirat, L Avanzi, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (4), 697-728, 2018
Greening the competitive advantage: antecedents and consequences of green brand equity
M Bekk, M Spörrle, R Hedjasie, R Kerschreiter
Quality & Quantity 50, 1727-1746, 2016
Leaders enhance group members' work engagement and reduce their burnout by crafting social identity
NK Steffens, SA Haslam, R Kerschreiter, SC Schuh, R van Dick
German Journal of Human Resource Management 28 (1-2), 173-194, 2014
New ways to leadership development: A picture paints a thousand words
B Schyns, A Tymon, T Kiefer, R Kerschreiter
Management Learning 44 (1), 11-24, 2013
Coping with destructive leadership
D May, JS Wesche, K Heinitz, R Kerschreiter
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2015
‘Sticking to a healthy diet is easier for me when I exercise regularly’: cognitive transfer between physical exercise and healthy nutrition
L Fleig, R Kerschreiter, R Schwarzer, S Pomp, S Lippke
Psychology & Health 29 (12), 1361-1372, 2014
The Social Identity Approach to Effective Leadership: An Overview and Some Ideas on Cross-Cultural Generalizability.
R van Dick, R Kerschreiter
Frontiers of Business Research in China 10 (3), 2016
Disentangling the sources of mimicry: Social relations analyses of the link between mimicry and liking
M Salazar Kämpf, H Liebermann, R Kerschreiter, S Krause, S Nestler, ...
Psychological Science 29 (1), 131-138, 2018
Do you want to convince me or to be understood? Preference-consistent information sharing and its motivational determinants
N Faulmüller, A Mojzisch, R Kerschreiter, S Schulz-Hardt
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (12), 1684-1696, 2012
What is the value?
C Peus, R Kerschreiter, D Frey, E Traut-Mattausch
Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 2015
Two lighthouses to navigate: Effects of ideal and counter-ideal values on follower identification and satisfaction with their leaders
N Van Quaquebeke, R Kerschreiter, AE Buxton, R van Dick
Journal of Business Ethics 93, 293-305, 2010
Interoceptive awareness as a moderator of affective responses to social exclusion
NS Werner, R Kerschreiter, NK Kindermann, S Duschek
Journal of Psychophysiology, 2013
The consistency principle in interpersonal communication: Consequences of preference confirmation and disconfirmation in collective decision making.
A Mojzisch, R Kerschreiter, N Faulmüller, F Vogelgesang, S Schulz-Hardt
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 106 (6), 961, 2014
Beyond group-level explanations for the failure of groups to solve hidden profiles: The individual preference effect revisited
N Faulmüller, R Kerschreiter, A Mojzisch, S Schulz-Hardt
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13 (5), 653-671, 2010
Social validation in group decision-making: Differential effects on the decisional impact of preference-consistent and preference-inconsistent information
A Mojzisch, S Schulz-Hardt, R Kerschreiter, FC Brodbeck, D Frey
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (6), 1477-1490, 2008
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