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Plant responses of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) to frost at various phenological stages
SE Jacobsen, C Monteros, JL Christiansen, LA Bravo, LJ Corcuera, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 22 (2), 131-139, 2005
Ecophysiology of Antarctic vascular plants
M Alberdi, LA Bravo, A Gutiérrez, M Gidekel, LJ Corcuera
Physiologia Plantarum 115 (4), 479-486, 2002
Frost resistance mechanisms in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
SE Jacobsen, C Monteros, LJ Corcuera, LA Bravo, JL Christiansen, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 26 (4), 471-475, 2007
Cryoprotective activity of a cold‐induced dehydrin purified from barley
LA Bravo, J Gallardo, A Navarrete, N Olave, J Martínez, M Alberdi, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 118 (2), 262-269, 2003
Cold resistance in Antarctic angiosperms
LA Bravo, N Ulloa, GE Zuñiga, A Casanova, LJ Corcuera, M Alberdi
Physiologia Plantarum 111 (1), 55-65, 2001
The role of ABA in freezing tolerance and cold acclimation in barley
LA Bravo, GE Zúñiga, M Alberdi, LJ Corcuera
Physiologia Plantarum 103 (1), 17-23, 1998
Characterization of antifreeze activity in Antarctic plants
LA Bravo, M Griffith
Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (414), 1189-1196, 2005
Freezing resistance varies within the growing season and with elevation in high‐Andean species of central Chile
A Sierra‐Almeida, LA Cavieres, LA Bravo
New Phytologist 182 (2), 461-469, 2009
Characterization of an 80‐kDa dehydrin‐like protein in barley responsive to cold acclimation
LA Bravo, TJ Close, LJ Corcuera, CL Guy
Physiologia Plantarum 106 (2), 177-183, 1999
Effect of cold acclimation on the photosynthetic performance of two ecotypes of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl.
LA Bravo, FA Saavedra-Mella, F Vera, A Guerra, LA Cavieres, AG Ivanov, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (13), 3581-3590, 2007
Low temperature responses of Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus nitida, two evergreen species from south central Chile
M Reyes-Díaz, M Alberdi, F Piper, LA Bravo, LJ Corcuera
Tree physiology 25 (11), 1389-1398, 2005
How do vascular plants perform photosynthesis in extreme environments? An integrative ecophysiological and biochemical story
B Fernández‐Marín, J Gulías, CM Figueroa, C Iñiguez, ...
The Plant Journal 101 (4), 979-1000, 2020
Arabidopsis thaliana avoids freezing by supercooling
M Reyes-Díaz, N Ulloa, A Zuniga-Feest, A Gutiérrez, M Gidekel, M Alberdi, ...
Journal of experimental botany 57 (14), 3687-3696, 2006
Ecophysiological traits of Antarctic vascular plants: their importance in the responses to climate change
LA Cavieres, P Sáez, C Sanhueza, A Sierra-Almeida, C Rabert, ...
Plant Ecology, 1-16, 2016
Increased light intensity during in vitro culture improves water loss control and photosynthetic performance of Castanea sativa grown in ventilated vessels
PL Sáez, LA Bravo, MI Latsague, ME Sánchez, DG Ríos
Scientia Horticulturae 138, 7-16, 2012
Ecotypic Differentiation in Morphology and Cold Resistance in Populations of Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) from the Andes of Central Chile and the …
E Gianoli, P Inostroza, A Zúñiga-Feest, M Reyes-Díaz, LA Cavieres, ...
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 36 (4), 484-489, 2004
Changes in morpho-physiological attributes of Eucalyptus globulus plants in response to different drought hardening treatments
RE Coopman, JC Jara, LA Bravo, KL Sáez, GR Mella, R Escobar
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 11 (2), 30-39, 2008
Calcium interacts with antifreeze proteins and chitinase from cold-acclimated winter rye
M Stressmann, S Kitao, M Griffith, C Moresoli, LA Bravo, AG Marangoni
Plant Physiology 135 (1), 364-376, 2004
Photosynthetic and leaf anatomical characteristics of Castanea sativa: a comparison between in vitro and nursery plants
PL Saez, LA Bravo, KL Sáez, M Sánchez-Olate, MI Latsague, DG Ríos
Biologia Plantarum 56, 15-24, 2012
The role of photochemical quenching and antioxidants in photoprotection of Deschampsia antarctica
E Pérez-Torres, A García, J Dinamarca, M Alberdi, A Gutiérrez, M Gidekel, ...
Functional Plant Biology 31 (7), 731-741, 2004
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