Nik Callow
Nik Callow
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How does modifying a DEM to reflect known hydrology affect subsequent terrain analysis?
JN Callow, KP Van Niel, GS Boggs
Journal of hydrology 332 (1-2), 30-39, 2007
Satellite-derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM) selection, preparation and correction for hydrodynamic modelling in large, low-gradient and data-sparse catchments
AA Jarihani, JN Callow, TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, JR Larsen
Journal of Hydrology 524, 489-506, 2015
Blending Landsat and MODIS data to generate multispectral indices: A comparison of “Index-then-Blend” and “Blend-then-Index” approaches
AA Jarihani, TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, IV Emelyanova, JN Callow, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (10), 9213-9238, 2014
Evaluation of multiple satellite altimetry data for studying inland water bodies and river floods
AA Jarihani, JN Callow, K Johansen, B Gouweleeuw
Journal of Hydrology 505, 78-90, 2013
The effect of farm dams and constructed banks on hydrologic connectivity and runoff estimation in agricultural landscapes
JN Callow, KRJ Smettem
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (8), 959-968, 2009
Unmanned aerial vehicle canopy reflectance data detects potassium deficiency and green peach aphid susceptibility in canola
D Severtson, N Callow, K Flower, A Neuhaus, M Olejnik, C Nansen
Precision Agriculture 17, 659-677, 2016
Satellite prediction of forest flowering phenology
DJ Dixon, JN Callow, JMA Duncan, SA Setterfield, N Pauli
Remote Sensing of Environment 255, 112197, 2021
Spatial complexities in aboveground carbon stocks of a semi-arid mangrove community: A remote sensing height-biomass-carbon approach
SM Hickey, NJ Callow, S Phinn, CE Lovelock, CM Duarte
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 200, 194-201, 2018
Where does all the water go? Partitioning water transmission losses in a data-sparse, multi-channel and low-gradient dryland river system using modelling and remote sensing
AA Jarihani, JR Larsen, JN Callow, TR McVicar, K Johansen
Journal of Hydrology 529, 1511-1529, 2015
Satellite‐derived estimates of forest leaf area index in southwest Western Australia are not tightly coupled to interannual variations in rainfall: implications for groundwater …
KRJ Smettem, RH Waring, JN Callow, M Wilson, Q Mu
Global Change Biology 19 (8), 2401-2412, 2013
Global warming in the context of 2000 years of Australian alpine temperature and snow cover
H McGowan, JN Callow, J Soderholm, G McGrath, M Campbell, J Zhao
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 4394, 2018
Seed traits determine species' responses to fire under varying soil heating scenarios
R Tangney, DJ Merritt, JN Callow, JB Fontaine, BP Miller
Functional Ecology 34 (9), 1967-1978, 2020
Regional-scale fire severity mapping of Eucalyptus forests with the Landsat archive
DJ Dixon, JN Callow, JMA Duncan, SA Setterfield, N Pauli
Remote Sensing of Environment 270, 112863, 2022
Drone photogrammetry and KMeans point cloud filtering to create high resolution topographic and inundation models of coastal sediment archives
JN Callow, SM May, M Leopold
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (12), 2603-2615, 2018
Chronostratigraphy and geomorphology of washover fans in the Exmouth Gulf (NW Australia)–A record of tropical cyclone activity during the late Holocene
SM May, D Brill, M Leopold, JN Callow, M Engel, A Scheffers, S Opitz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 169, 65-84, 2017
Studying reach-scale spatial hydrology in ungauged catchments
JN Callow, GS Boggs
Journal of Hydrology 496, 31-46, 2013
A synoptic classification of inflow-generating precipitation in the Snowy Mountains, Australia
A Theobald, H McGowan, J Speirs, N Callow
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 54 (8), 1713-1732, 2015
Channel response to a new hydrological regime in southwestern Australia
JN Callow, KRJ Smettem
Geomorphology 84 (3-4), 254-276, 2007
Detecting frost stress in wheat: A controlled environment hyperspectral study on wheat plant components and implications for multispectral field sensing
ME Murphy, B Boruff, JN Callow, KC Flower
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 477, 2020
Is climate change shifting the poleward limit of mangroves?
SM Hickey, SR Phinn, NJ Callow, KP Van Niel, JE Hansen, CM Duarte
Estuaries and Coasts 40, 1215-1226, 2017
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