Nicola Bergh
Nicola Bergh
Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Sweden and SANBI Kirstenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa
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Vegetation types of the greater cape floristic region
NG Bergh, GA Verboom, M Rouget, RM Cowling
Fynbos: ecology, evolution, and conservation of a megadiverse region 1, 1-25, 2014
Cape diversification and repeated out-of-southern-Africa dispersal in paper daisies (Asteraceae–Gnaphalieae)
NG Bergh, HP Linder
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51 (1), 5-18, 2009
Topography as a driver of diversification in the C ape F loristic R egion of S outh A frica
GA Verboom, NG Bergh, SA Haiden, V Hoffmann, MN Britton
New Phytologist 207 (2), 368-376, 2015
Cenozoic assembly of the Greater Cape flora
GA Verboom, HP Linder, F Forest, V Hoffmann, NG Bergh, RM Cowling, ...
Oxford Press, 2014
Dominant pollinators drive non-random community assembly and shared flower colour patterns in daisy communities
JE Kemp, NG Bergh, M Soares, AG Ellis
Annals of Botany 123 (2), 277-288, 2019
Erosive processes after tectonic uplift stimulate vicariant and adaptive speciation: evolution in an Afrotemperate-endemic paper daisy genus
J Bentley, GA Verboom, NG Bergh
BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 1-16, 2014
Palaeoclimate‐induced range shifts may explain current patterns of spatial genetic variation in renosterbos (Elytropappus rhinocerotis, Asteraceae)
NG Bergh, TA Hedderson, HP Linder, WJ Bond
Taxon 56 (2), 393-408, 2007
Fynbos: ecology, evolution, and conservation of a megadiverse region
NG Bergh, GA Verboom, M Rouget, RM Cowling, N Allsopp, JF Colville
Edited by Nicky Allsopp, Jonathan F. Colville and G. Anthony Verboom, 2014
A revised subtribal classification of Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae)
RD Smissen, RJ Bayer, NG Bergh, I Breitwieser, SE Freire, ...
Taxon 69 (4), 778-806, 2020
Phylogeny of the "Ifloga clade" (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae), a lineage occurring disjointly in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, and inclusion of Trichogyne in synonymy with …
NG Bergh, CH Trisos, GA Verboom
Taxon 60 (4), 1065-1075, 2011
Anomalous capitulum structure and monoecy may confer flexibility in sex allocation and life history evolution in the Ifloga lineage of paper daisies (Compositae …
NG Bergh, GA Verboom
American Journal of Botany 98 (7), 1113-1127, 2011
Evolutionary history of the arid climate‐adapted Helichrysum (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae): Cape origin and association between annual life‐history and low …
S Andrés‐Sánchez, GA Verboom, M Galbany‐Casals, NG Bergh
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57 (5), 468-487, 2019
Molecular phylogeny of the ‘Cape snow’genus Syncarpha (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) reveals a need for generic re-delimitation
NG Bergh, SA Haiden, GA Verboom
South African Journal of Botany 100, 219-227, 2015
Philyrophyllum (Asteraceae) transferred from Gnaphalieae to Athroismeae based on phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data
J Bentley, ES Klaassen, NG Bergh
Taxon 64 (5), 975-986, 2015
Repeatedly Northwards and Upwards: Southern African Grasslands Fuel the Colonization of the African Sky Islands in Helichrysum (Compositae)
C Blanco-Gavaldà, M Galbany-Casals, A Susanna, S Andrés-Sánchez, ...
Plants 12 (11), 2213, 2023
Psednotrichia perennis (Asteraceae, Senecioneae): A new species from the Huila plateau, Angola
NG Bergh, B Nordenstam
South African Journal of Botany 76 (2), 369-374, 2010
Diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of the flagship Cape species Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis (Asteraceae): variation in distribution, ecological niche, morphology and …
Z Chumová, Z Monier, K Šemberová, E Havlíčková, D Euston-Brown, ...
Annals of Botany 133 (5-6), 851-870, 2024
A molecular phylogeny of Calenduleae (Asteraceae) supports the transfer of Dimorphotheca polyptera DC. to Osteospermum L.
R Sadler, T Parker, GA Verboom, AG Ellis, M Jackson, J van Zyl, ...
South African Journal of Botany 151, 234-245, 2022
Achyranthemum NG Bergh, a new genus segregated from Syncarpha DC.(Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae)
NG Bergh, JC Manning
South African Journal of Botany 125, 434-456, 2019
(2633) Proposal to conserve the name Arctotis calendula (Arctotheca calendula) against Arctotis tristis (Arctotheca tristis) (Asteraceae: Arctotideae)
RJ McKenzie, NG Bergh
Taxon 67 (4), 813-814, 2018
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