Razack Lokina
Razack Lokina
Associate Professor, The University of Dodoma
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Citované v
Determinants of delay in care seeking among children under five with fever in Dodoma region, central Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
T Kassile, R Lokina, P Mujinja, BP Mmbando
Malaria journal 13, 1-10, 2014
Regulatory compliance in Lake Victoria fisheries
H Eggert, RB Lokina
Environment and Development Economics 15 (2), 197-217, 2010
Households’ willingness to pay for improved solid waste collection services in Kampala city, Uganda
M Banga, RB Lokina, AF Mkenda
The Journal of Environment & Development 20 (4), 428-448, 2011
Small-scale fishermen and risk preferences
H Eggert, RB Lokina
Marine Resource Economics 22 (1), 49-67, 2007
Implementing REDD through community‐based forest management: Lessons from T anzania
EJZ Robinson, HJ Albers, C Meshack, RB Lokina
Natural Resources Forum 37 (3), 141-152, 2013
A spatial–temporal analysis of the impact of access restrictions on forest landscapes and household welfare in Tanzania
EJZ Robinson, RB Lokina
Forest policy and economics 13 (1), 79-85, 2011
Valuing recreational ecosystem services in developing cities: The case of urban parks in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
B Tibesigwa, H Ntuli, R Lokina
Cities 106, 102853, 2020
Driving forces for households' adoption of improved cooking stoves in rural Tanzania
YJ Kulindwa, R Lokina, EO Ahlgren
Energy strategy reviews 20, 102-112, 2018
Technical efficiency and the role of skipper skill in artisanal Lake Victoria fisheries
RB Lokina
Environment and Development Economics 14 (4), 497-519, 2009
Clean production and profitability: An eco-efficiency analysis of kenyan manufacturing firms
MW Kamande, RB Lokina
The Journal of Environment & Development 22 (2), 169-185, 2013
Naturally available wild pollination services have economic value for nature dependent smallholder crop farms in Tanzania
B Tibesigwa, J Siikamäki, R Lokina, J Alvsilver
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3434, 2019
Efficiency, enforcement and revenue tradeoffs in participatory forest management: an example from Tanzania
EJZ Robinson, RB Lokina
Environment and Development Economics 17 (1), 1-20, 2012
The agrarian question in Tanzania?: a state of the art paper
S Maghimbi, RB Lokina, MA Senga
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet; University of Dar Es Salaam, 2011
Effect of trade openness on ecological footprint in sub-Saharan Africa
DO Okelele, R Lokina, RD Ruhinduka
African Journal of Economic Review 10 (1), 209-233, 2022
Fisheries performance in Africa: An analysis based on data from 14 countries
F Asche, TM Garlock, W Akpalu, EC Amaechina, R Botta, NA Chukwuone, ...
Marine Policy 125, 104263, 2021
Insiders, outsiders, and the role of local enforcement in forest management: An example from Tanzania
EJZ Robinson, HJ Albers, G Ngeleza, RB Lokina
Ecological Economics 107, 242-248, 2014
The agrarian question in Tanzania
S Maghimbi, RB Lokina, MA Senga
A State of the Art Paper, 2011
Smallholder agricultural production efficiency of adopters and nonadopters of land conservation technologies in Tanzania
O Selejio, RB Lokina, JK Mduma
The Journal of Environment & Development 27 (3), 323-349, 2018
Poverty and Productivity: Small-Scale Farming in Tanzania, 1991-2007
R Lokina, M Nerman, J Sandefur, S Leone
Preliminary results for International Growth Centre commissioned study, 2011
Social policy, gender and labour in Tanzania
RB Lokina, J Nyoni, G Kahyarara
Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), 2016
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