Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Kris-Stella TrumpĎalšie informácie
Dostupné niekde: 3
Using communication to boost vaccination: Lessons for COVID-19 from evaluations of eight large-scale programs to promote routine vaccinations
HB Kappes, M Toma, R Balu, R Burnett, N Chen, R Johnson, J Leight, ...
Behavioral Science & Policy 9 (1), 11-24, 2023
Príkazy: Arnold Ventures LLC
Social Media and Democracy: Assessing the State of the Field and Identifying Unexplored Questions
KS Trump, J Rhody, C Edick, P Weber
OSF, 2018
Príkazy: Hewlett Foundation
What does it take to be rich? Asking reasonable survey questions about income inequality
KS Trump
Research & Politics 10 (3), 20531680231187563, 2023
Príkazy: German Research Foundation
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