Simon Lapointe
Simon Lapointe
AWS Center for Quantum Computing
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Citované v
Differential diffusion effects, distributed burning, and local extinctions in high Karlovitz premixed flames
S Lapointe, B Savard, G Blanquart
Combustion and flame 162 (9), 3341-3355, 2015
Vorticity transformation in high Karlovitz number premixed flames
B Bobbitt, S Lapointe, G Blanquart
Physics of Fluids 28 (1), 2016
Assessment of the constant non-unity Lewis number assumption in chemically-reacting flows
N Burali, S Lapointe, B Bobbitt, G Blanquart, Y Xuan
Combustion Theory and Modelling 20 (4), 632-657, 2016
Fuel and chemistry effects in high Karlovitz premixed turbulent flames
S Lapointe, G Blanquart
Combustion and Flame 167, 294-307, 2016
Simulations of flow ingestion and related structures in a turbine disk cavity
S Julien, J Lefrancois, G Dumas, G Boutet-Blais, S Lapointe, JF Caron, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 43994, 1071-1080, 2010
Flame propagation across an obstacle: OH-PLIF and 2-D simulations with detailed chemistry
LR Boeck, S Lapointe, J Melguizo-Gavilanes, G Ciccarelli
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2799-2806, 2017
Reduced chemical model for low and high-temperature oxidation of fuel blends relevant to internal combustion engines
S Lapointe, K Zhang, MJ McNenly
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (1), 789-796, 2019
Photodiode-based machine learning for optimization of laser powder bed fusion parameters in complex geometries
S Lapointe, G Guss, Z Reese, M Strantza, MJ Matthews, CL Druzgalski
Additive Manufacturing 53, 102687, 2022
Sparse, iterative simulation methods for one-dimensional laminar flames
S Lapointe, RA Whitesides, MJ McNenly
Combustion and Flame 204, 23-32, 2019
A priori filtered chemical source term modeling for LES of high Karlovitz number premixed flames
S Lapointe, G Blanquart
Combustion and Flame 176, 500-510, 2017
Sooting tendencies of 20 bio-derived fuels for advanced spark-ignition engines
H Kwon, S Lapointe, K Zhang, SW Wagnon, WJ Pitz, J Zhu, CS McEnally, ...
Fuel 276, 118059, 2020
Numerical investigation of the effect of pressure on heat release rate in iso-octane premixed turbulent flames under conditions relevant to SI engines
B Savard, S Lapointe, A Teodorczyk
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (3), 3543-3549, 2017
Numerical investigation of a central fuel property hypothesis under boosted spark-ignition conditions
P Pal, K Kalvakala, Y Wu, M McNenly, S Lapointe, R Whitesides, T Lu, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (3), 032305, 2021
Experimental and numerical studies of fuel and hydrodynamic effects on piloted turbulent premixed jet flames
J Smolke, S Lapointe, L Paxton, G Blanquart, F Carbone, AM Fincham, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 1877-1884, 2017
Predicting octane number from microscale flame dynamics
CL Druzgalski, S Lapointe, R Whitesides, MJ McNenly
Combustion and Flame 208, 5-14, 2019
Numerical study of a micro flow reactor at engine pressures: Flames with repetitive extinction and ignition and simulations with a reduced chemical model
S Lapointe, CL Druzgalski, MJ McNenly
Combustion and Flame 197, 102-110, 2018
Simulation of premixed hydrocarbon flames at high turbulence intensities
S Lapointe
California Institute of Technology, 2016
Spherically expanding flame in silane–hydrogen–nitrous oxide–argon mixtures
R Mével, KP Chatelain, S Lapointe, DA Lacoste, M Idir, G Dupré, ...
Combustion and Flame 221, 150-159, 2020
Data-driven selection of stiff chemistry ODE solver in operator-splitting schemes
S Lapointe, S Mondal, RA Whitesides
Combustion and Flame 220, 133-143, 2020
Influence of a local change of depth on the behavior of walking oil drops
R Carmigniani, S Lapointe, S Symon, BJ McKeon
Experimental thermal and fluid science 54, 237-246, 2014
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