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Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
673 2005 High-precision measurement of the atomic mass of the electron S Sturm, F Köhler, J Zatorski, A Wagner, Z Harman, G Werth, W Quint, ...
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444 2014 High-accuracy measurement of the magnetic moment anomaly of the electron bound in hydrogenlike carbon H Häffner, T Beier, N Hermanspahn, HJ Kluge, W Quint, S Stahl, J Verdú, ...
Physical review letters 85 (25), 5308, 2000
381 2000 Electronic Factor of Hydrogenlike Oxygen J Verdú, S Djekić, S Stahl, T Valenzuela, M Vogel, G Werth, T Beier, ...
Physical review letters 92 (9), 093002, 2004
342 2004 New determination of the electron’s mass T Beier, H Häffner, N Hermanspahn, SG Karshenboim, HJ Kluge, W Quint, ...
Physical review letters 88 (1), 011603, 2001
286 2001 Factor of Hydrogenlike S Sturm, A Wagner, B Schabinger, J Zatorski, Z Harman, W Quint, G Werth, ...
Physical review letters 107 (2), 023002, 2011
257 2011 Penning traps as a versatile tool for precise experiments in fundamental physics K Blaum, YN Novikov, G Werth
Contemporary Physics 51 (2), 149-175, 2010
221 2010 Double Penning trap technique for precise g factor determinations in highly charged ions H Häffner, T Beier, S Djekić, N Hermanspahn, HJ Kluge, W Quint, S Stahl, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2003
192 2003 Cooling and stabilization by collisions in a mixed ion–atom system K Ravi, S Lee, A Sharma, G Werth, SA Rangwala
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171 2012 High-precision measurement of the proton’s atomic mass F Heiße, F Köhler-Langes, S Rau, J Hou, S Junck, A Kracke, A Mooser, ...
Physical Review Letters 119 (3), 033001, 2017
169 2017 Charged particle traps II G Werth, VN Gheorghe, FG Major
Springer, 2009
160 2009 Observation of the continuous Stern-Gerlach effect on an electron bound in an atomic ion N Hermanspahn, H Häffner, HJ Kluge, W Quint, S Stahl, J Verdú, G Werth
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159 2000 Factor of Lithiumlike Silicon A Wagner, S Sturm, F Köhler, DA Glazov, AV Volotka, G Plunien, W Quint, ...
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148 2013 HITRAP: a facility at GSI for highly charged ions HJ Kluge, T Beier, K Blaum, L Dahl, S Eliseev, F Herfurth, B Hofmann, ...
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148 2008 High-Resolution Magnetic Hyperfine Resonance in Harmonically Bound Ground-State Ions FG Major, G Werth
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137 1981 Higher order non-linear resonances in a Paul trap R Alheit, S Kleineidam, F Vedel, M Vedel, G Werth
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130 2013 Isotope dependence of the Zeeman effect in lithium-like calcium F Köhler, K Blaum, M Block, S Chenmarev, S Eliseev, DA Glazov, ...
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123 2016 Optical detection of ions confined in a rf quadrupole trap R Iffländer, G Werth
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