Ioannis Rigas
Ioannis Rigas
Research Scientist, Digital Identity and Security (DIS), Thales Group
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Citované v
Biometric identification based on the eye movements and graph matching techniques
I Rigas, G Economou, S Fotopoulos
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (6), 786-792, 2012
Biometric Recognition via Eye Movements: Saccadic Vigor and Acceleration Cues
I Rigas, O Komogortsev, R Shadmehr
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 13 (2), 6, 2016
Movement vigor as a trait-like attribute of individuality
TR Reppert, I Rigas, D Herzfeld, E Sedaghat-Nejad, O Komogortsev, ...
Journal of neurophysiology, 2018
A novel evaluation of two related and two independent algorithms for eye movement classification during reading
L Friedman, I Rigas, E Abdulin, OV Komogortsev
Behavior research methods, 1-24, 2018
Human eye movements as a trait for biometrical identification
I Rigas, G Economou, S Fotopoulos
Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), 2012 IEEE Fifth …, 2012
Biometric recognition via probabilistic spatial projection of eye movement trajectories in dynamic visual environments
I Rigas, OV Komogortsev
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 9 (10), 1743-1754, 2014
Study of an Extensive Set of Eye Movement Features: Extraction Methods and Statistical Analysis
I Rigas, L Friedman, O Komogortsev
Journal of Eye Movement Research 11 (1), 2018
Eye movement-driven defense against iris print-attacks
I Rigas, OV Komogortsev
Pattern Recognition Letters 68, 316-326, 2015
Current research in eye movement biometrics: an analysis based on BioEye 2015 competition
I Rigas, OV Komogortsev
Image and Vision Computing 58, 129-141, 2017
Towards a multi-source fusion approach for eye movement-driven recognition
I Rigas, E Abdulin, O Komogortsev
Information Fusion 32, 13-25, 2016
Photosensor Oculography: Survey and Parametric Analysis of Designs using Model-Based Simulation
I Rigas, H Raffle, OV Komogortsev
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2018
BioEye 2015: Competition on biometrics via eye movements
OV Komogortsev, I Rigas
Biometrics Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), 2015 IEEE 7th …, 2015
Gaze estimation as a framework for iris liveness detection
I Rigas, OV Komogortsev
Biometrics (IJCB), 2014 IEEE International Joint Conference on, 1-8, 2014
Hybrid PS-V Technique: A Novel Sensor Fusion Approach for Fast Mobile Eye-Tracking with Sensor-Shift Aware Correction
I Rigas, H Raffle, OV Komogortsev
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (24), 8356-8366, 2017
Efficient modeling of visual saliency based on local sparse representation and the use of hamming distance
I Rigas, G Economou, S Fotopoulos
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 134, 33-45, 2015
The influence of dataset quality on the results of behavioral biometric experiments
P Kasprowski, I Rigas
Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), 2013 International Conference of …, 2013
Low-level visual saliency with application on aerial imagery
I Rigas, G Economou, S Fotopoulos
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10 (6), 1389-1393, 2013
Biometric recognition via fixation density maps
I Rigas, OV Komogortsev
SPIE Defense+ Security, 90750M-90750M-10, 2014
Face recognition via local sparse coding
I Theodorakopoulos, I Rigas, G Economou, S Fotopoulos
2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 1647-1652, 2011
Eye Movement Biometrics on Wearable Devices: What Are the Limits?
E Abdulin, I Rigas, O Komogortsev
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
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