Patrice Baby
Patrice Baby
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Tectonic evolution of the Andes of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northern Chile
E Jaillard, G Hérail, T Monfret, E Díaz-Martínez, P Baby, A Lavenu, ...
Tectonic evolution of South America, edited by: Cordani, UG, Milani, E. J …, 2000
Neogene shortening contribution to crustal thickening in the back arc of the Central Andes
P Baby, P Rochat, G Mascle, G Hérail
Geology 25 (10), 883-886, 1997
Controls on weathering and provenance in the Amazonian foreland basin: Insights from major and trace element geochemistry of Neogene Amazonian sediments
M Roddaz, J Viers, S Brusset, P Baby, C Boucayrand, G Hérail
Chemical Geology 226 (1-2), 31-65, 2006
La cuenca oriente: Geología y petróleo
P Baby, M Rivadeneira, R Barragán
Travaux de l'Institut Français d'Etudes Andines 144, 195, 2004
Tectonic history of the Andes and sub-Andean zones: implications for the development of the Amazon drainage basin
A Mora, P Baby, M Roddaz, M Parra, S Brusset, W Hermoza, N Espurt
Amazonia, landscape and species evolution: a look into the past, 38-60, 2010
How does the Nazca Ridge subduction influence the modern Amazonian foreland basin?
N Espurt, P Baby, S Brusset, M Roddaz, W Hermoza, V Regard, ...
Geology 35 (6), 515-518, 2007
Fossil evidence for evolution of the shape and color of penguin feathers
JA Clarke, DT Ksepka, R Salas-Gismondi, AJ Altamirano, MD Shawkey, ...
Science 330 (6006), 954-957, 2010
Thrust geometry controlled by erosion and sedimentation: A view from analogue models
JL Mugnier, P Baby, B Colletta, P Vinour, P Bale, P Leturmy
Geology 25 (5), 427-430, 1997
Geometric and kinematic evolution of passive roof duplexes deduced from cross section balancing: example from the foreland thrust system of the southern bolivian subandean zone
P Baby, T Sempere, G Hérail, R Salinas
Tectonics 11 (3), 523-536, 1992
A 60-million-year Cenozoic history of western Amazonian ecosystems in Contamana, eastern Peru
PO Antoine, MA Abello, S Adnet, AJA Sierra, P Baby, G Billet, M Boivin, ...
Gondwana Research 31, 30-59, 2016
Cenozoic sedimentary evolution of the Amazonian foreland basin system
M Roddaz, W Hermoza, A Mora, P Baby, M Parra, F Christophoul, ...
Amazonia, landscape and species evolution: a look into the past 5, 61-88, 2010
A Miocene hyperdiverse crocodylian community reveals peculiar trophic dynamics in proto-Amazonian mega-wetlands
R Salas-Gismondi, JJ Flynn, P Baby, JV Tejada-Lara, FP Wesselingh, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1804), 20142490, 2015
Sediment provenances and drainage evolution of the Neogene Amazonian foreland basin
M Roddaz, J Viers, S Brusset, P Baby, G Hérail
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 239 (1-2), 57-78, 2005
Forebulge dynamics and environmental control in Western Amazonia: The case study of the Arch of Iquitos (Peru)
M Roddaz, P Baby, S Brusset, W Hermoza, JM Darrozes
Tectonophysics 399 (1-4), 87-108, 2005
Active tectonics of Peru: Heterogeneous interseismic coupling along the Nazca megathrust, rigid motion of the Peruvian Sliver, and Subandean shortening accommodation
JC Villegas‐Lanza, M Chlieh, O Cavalié, H Tavera, P Baby, J Chire‐Chira, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (10), 7371-7394, 2016
The Huallaga foreland basin evolution: Thrust propagation in a deltaic environment, northern Peruvian Andes
W Hermoza, S Brusset, P Baby, W Gil, M Roddaz, N Guerrero, R Bolaños
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 19 (1), 21-34, 2005
Hydrocarbon generation in relation to thrusting in the Sub Andean zone from 18 to 22 degrees S, Bolivia
I Moretti, P Baby, E Mendez, D Zubieta
Petroleum Geoscience 2 (1), 17-28, 1996
Petroleum system of the northern and central Bolivian sub-Andean zone
P Baby, I Moretti, B Guillier, R Limachi, E Mendez, J Oller, M Specht
Stratigraphic responses to a major tectonic event in a foreland basin: the Ecuadorian Oriente Basin from Eocene to Oligocene times
F Christophoul, P Baby, C Dávila
Tectonophysics 345 (1-4), 281-298, 2002
The Nazca Ridge and uplift of the Fitzcarrald Arch: implications for regional geology in northern South America
N Espurt, P Baby, S Brusset, M Roddaz, W Hermoza, J Barbarand
Amazonia: Landscape and Species Evolution: A Look into the Past. Wiley …, 2010
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