Kendra Sewall
Citované v
Citované v
The evolution of self-control
EL MacLean, B Hare, CL Nunn, E Addessi, F Amici, RC Anderson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (20), E2140-E2148, 2014
Potential trade-off between vocal ornamentation and spatial ability in a songbird
KB Sewall, JA Soha, S Peters, S Nowicki
Biology Letters 9 (4), 20130344, 2013
Female Lincoln's sparrows modulate their behavior in response to variation in male song quality
SP Caro, KB Sewall, KG Salvante, KW Sockman
Behavioral Ecology 21 (3), 562-569, 2010
Social complexity as a driver of communication and cognition
KB Sewall
Integrative and Comparative Biology 55 (3), 384-395, 2015
Limited adult vocal learning maintains call dialects but permits pair-distinctive calls in red crossbills
KB Sewall
Animal Behaviour 77 (5), 1303-1311, 2009
Social calls provide novel insights into the evolution of vocal learning
KB Sewall, AM Young, TF Wright
Animal Behaviour 120, 163-172, 2016
Environmental regulation of annual schedules in opportunistically-breeding songbirds: adaptive specializations or variations on a theme of white-crowned sparrow?
TP Hahn, JM Cornelius, KB Sewall, TR Kelsey, M Hau, N Perfito
General and comparative endocrinology 157 (3), 217-226, 2008
Agonistic urban birds: elevated territorial aggression of urban song sparrows is individually consistent within a breeding period
S Davies, KB Sewall
Biology Letters 12 (6), 20160315, 2016
Territorial aggression in urban and rural Song Sparrows is correlated with corticosterone, but not testosterone
S Davies, ML Beck, KB Sewall
Hormones and behavior 98, 8-15, 2018
Early learning of discrete call variants in red crossbills: implications for reliable signaling
KB Sewall
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65, 157-166, 2011
Introduction to the symposium—uniting evolutionary and physiological approaches to understanding phenotypic plasticity
H Wada, KB Sewall
American Zoologist 54 (5), 774-782, 2014
Song environment affects singing effort and vasotocin immunoreactivity in the forebrain of male Lincoln's sparrows
KB Sewall, EC Dankoski, KW Sockman
Hormones and Behavior 58 (3), 544-553, 2010
Economy of mate attraction in the Cassin's finch
KW Sockman, KB Sewall, GF Ball, TP Hahn
Biology Letters 1 (1), 34-37, 2005
Discrete variants of Evening Grosbeak flight calls
K Sewall, R Kelsey, TP Hahn
The Condor 106 (1), 161-165, 2004
Male zebra finches exposed to lead (Pb) during development have reduced volume of song nuclei, altered sexual traits, and received less attention from females as adults
CG Goodchild, ML Beck, I VanDiest, FN Czesak, SJ Lane, KB Sewall
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 210, 111850, 2021
Urbanization alters the relationship between coloration and territorial aggression, but not hormones, in song sparrows
ML Beck, S Davies, KB Sewall
Animal Behaviour 142, 119-128, 2018
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation and organization in urban and rural song sparrows
SJ Lane, MG Emmerson, IJ VanDiest, C Hucul, ML Beck, S Davies, ...
General and Comparative Endocrinology 310, 113809, 2021
Beeswax corticosterone implants produce long-term elevation of plasma corticosterone and influence condition
ML Beck, S Davies, IT Moore, LA Schoenle, K Kerman, BJ Vernasco, ...
General and comparative endocrinology 233, 109-114, 2016
The effect of social context on measures of boldness: Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) are bolder when housed individually
K Kerman, L Miller, K Sewall
Behavioural processes 157, 18-23, 2018
Are signals of aggressive intent less honest in urban habitats?
Ç Akçay, ML Beck, KB Sewall
Behavioral Ecology 31 (1), 213-221, 2020
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