Amotz Agnon
Amotz Agnon
Professor of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
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Citované v
Holocene climate variability and cultural evolution in the Near East from the Dead Sea sedimentary record
C Migowski, M Stein, S Prasad, JFW Negendank, A Agnon
Quaternary Research 66 (3), 421-431, 2006
Lake levels and sequence stratigraphy of Lake Lisan, the late Pleistocene precursor of the Dead Sea
Y Bartov, M Stein, Y Enzel, A Agnon, Z Reches
Quaternary Research 57 (1), 9-21, 2002
Long‐term earthquake clustering: A 50,000‐year paleoseismic record in the Dead Sea Graben
S Marco, M Stein, A Agnon, H Ron
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B3), 6179-6191, 1996
Distributed damage, faulting, and friction
V Lyakhovsky, Y Ben‐Zion, A Agnon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B12), 27635-27649, 1997
Late Holocene lake levels of the Dead Sea
Y Enzel, A Agnon, M Stein
Geological Society of America Bulletin 116 (5-6), 555-571, 2004
Recurrence pattern of Holocene earthquakes along the Dead Sea transform revealed by varve-counting and radiocarbon dating of lacustrine sediments
C Migowski, A Agnon, R Bookman, JFW Negendank, M Stein
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 222 (1), 301-314, 2004
Prehistoric earthquake deformations near Masada, Dead Sea graben
S Marco, A Agnon
Geology 23 (8), 695-698, 1995
High‐resolution geological record of historic earthquakes in the Dead Sea basin
R Ken‐Tor, A Agnon, Y Enzel, M Stein, S Marco, JFW Negendank
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B2), 2221-2234, 2001
Oscillons and propagating solitary waves in a vertically vibrated colloidal suspension
O Lioubashevski, Y Hamiel, A Agnon, Z Reches, J Fineberg
Physical review letters 83 (16), 3190, 1999
The late quaternary limnological history of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel
N Hazan, M Stein, A Agnon, S Marco, D Nadel, JFW Negendank, ...
Quaternary Research 63 (1), 60-77, 2005
Crusader castle torn apart by earthquake at dawn, 20 May 1202
R Ellenblum, S Marco, A Agnon, T Rockwell, A Boas
Geology 26 (4), 303-306, 1998
Earthquake cycle, fault zones, and seismicity patterns in a rheologically layered lithosphere
V Lyakhovsky, Y Ben‐Zion, A Agnon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B3), 4103-4120, 2001
Slip rate and locking depth from GPS profiles across the southern Dead Sea Transform
M Le Beon, Y Klinger, AQ Amrat, A Agnon, L Dorbath, G Baer, JC Ruegg, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B11), 2008
Late Holocene activity of the Dead Sea Transform revealed in 3D palaeoseismic trenches on the Jordan Gorge segment
S Marco, TK Rockwell, A Heimann, U Frieslander, A Agnon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 234 (1-2), 189-205, 2005
Intraclast breccias in laminated sequences reviewed: Recorders of paleo-earthquakes
A Agnon, C Migowski, S Marco
Self-driven mode switching of earthquake activity on a fault system
Y Ben-Zion, K Dahmen, V Lyakhovsky, D Ertas, A Agnon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 172 (1-2), 11-21, 1999
Geomagnetic field intensity: How high can it get? How fast can it change? Constraints from Iron Age copper slag
R Shaar, E Ben-Yosef, H Ron, L Tauxe, A Agnon, R Kessel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 301 (1-2), 297-306, 2011
The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform
DESERT Group, M Weber, K Abu-Ayyash, A Abueladas, A Agnon, ...
Geophysical Journal International 156 (3), 655-681, 2004
Dating large infrequent earthquakes by damaged cave deposits
EJ Kagan, A Agnon, M Bar-Matthews, A Ayalon
Geology 33 (4), 261-264, 2005
Lithology of the long sediment record recovered by the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP)
I Neugebauer, A Brauer, MJ Schwab, ND Waldmann, Y Enzel, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 102, 149-165, 2014
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