Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Alisdair BorastonĎalšie informácie
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Advances in understanding the molecular basis of plant cell wall polysaccharide recognition by carbohydrate-binding modules
HJ Gilbert, JP Knox, AB Boraston
Current opinion in structural biology 23 (5), 669-677, 2013
Príkazy: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Wellcome Trust
(p) ppGpp and the stringent response: an emerging threat to antibiotic therapy
JK Hobbs, AB Boraston
ACS infectious diseases 5 (9), 1505-1517, 2019
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Toward efficient enzymes for the generation of universal blood through structure-guided directed evolution
DH Kwan, I Constantinescu, R Chapanian, MA Higgins, MP Kötzler, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (17), 5695-5705, 2015
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Insights into the recognition of the human glycome by microbial carbohydrate-binding modules
E Ficko-Blean, AB Boraston
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 22 (5), 570-577, 2012
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
The glycoconjugate-degrading enzymes of Clostridium perfringens: Tailored catalysts for breaching the intestinal mucus barrier
KE Low, SP Smith, DW Abbott, AB Boraston
Glycobiology 31 (6), 681-690, 2021
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Structural analysis of CPF_2247, a novel α‐amylase from Clostridium perfringens
E Ficko‐Blean, CP Stuart, AB Boraston
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 79 (10), 2771-2777, 2011
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Structural and functional analysis of fucose-processing enzymes from Streptococcus pneumoniae
MA Higgins, MD Suits, C Marsters, AB Boraston
Journal of molecular biology 426 (7), 1469-1482, 2014
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
The overall architecture and receptor binding of pneumococcal carbohydrate-antigen-hydrolyzing enzymes
MA Higgins, E Ficko-Blean, PJ Meloncelli, TL Lowary, AB Boraston
Journal of Molecular Biology 411 (5), 1017-1036, 2011
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
The structure of the conserved type six secretion protein TssL (DotU) from Francisella novicida
CS Robb, FE Nano, AB Boraston
Journal of molecular biology 419 (5), 277-283, 2012
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Three-dimensional structure of a putative non-cellulosomal cohesin module from a Clostridium perfringens family 84 glycoside hydrolase
S Chitayat, K Gregg, JJ Adams, E Ficko-Blean, EA Bayer, AB Boraston, ...
Journal of molecular biology 375 (1), 20-28, 2008
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Structure of a glycoside hydrolase family 50 enzyme from a subfamily that is enriched in human gut microbiome bacteroidetes
K Giles, B Pluvinage, AB Boraston
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 85 (1), 182-187, 2017
Príkazy: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Conformational analysis of StrH, the surface-attached exo-β-DN-acetylglucosaminidase from Streptococcus pneumoniae
B Pluvinage, S Chitayat, E Ficko-Blean, DW Abbott, JM Kunjachen, ...
Journal of molecular biology 425 (2), 334-349, 2013
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Inhibition of the family 20 glycoside hydrolase catalytic modules in the Streptococcus pneumoniae exo-β-d-N-acetylglucosaminidase, StrH
B Pluvinage, KA Stubbs, M Hattie, DJ Vocadlo, AB Boraston
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 11 (45), 7907-7915, 2013
Príkazy: Australian Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Synthesis of 4-methylumbelliferyl α-d-mannopyranosyl-(1→ 6)-β-d-mannopyranoside and development of a coupled fluorescent assay for GH125 exo-α-1, 6-mannosidases
L Deng, P Tsybina, KJ Gregg, R Mosi, WF Zandberg, AB Boraston, ...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 21 (16), 4839-4845, 2013
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Separation and visualization of glycans by fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis
M Robb, JK Hobbs, AB Boraston
Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions: Methods and Protocols, 215-221, 2017
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Structural characterization of the PTS IIA and IIB proteins associated with pneumococcal fucose utilization
MA Higgins, AM Hamilton, AB Boraston
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 85 (5), 963-968, 2017
Príkazy: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health, Michael Smith …
1H, 15N and 13C backbone and side-chain resonance assignments of a family 32 carbohydrate-binding module from the Clostridium perfringens NagH
JM Grondin, S Chitayat, E Ficko-Blean, AB Boraston, SP Smith
Biomolecular NMR assignments 6, 139-142, 2012
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
A high-throughput screening platform for enzymes active on mucin-type O-glycoproteins
JF Wardman, L Sim, J Liu, TA Howard, A Geissner, PM Danby, ...
Nature Chemical Biology 19 (10), 1246-1255, 2023
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Pharmacological chaperones for GCase that switch conformation with pH enhance enzyme levels in Gaucher animal models
AG Santana, K Robinson, C Vickers, MC Deen, HM Chen, S Zhou, B Dai, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (38), e202207974, 2022
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
A Fluorogenic Disaccharide Substrate for α-Mannosidases Enables High-Throughput Screening and Identification of an Inhibitor of the GH92 Virulence Factor from Streptococcus …
S Bhosale, MC Deen, C Proceviat, A Hettle, DK Winter, J Brockerman, ...
ACS Chemical Biology 18 (8), 1730-1737, 2023
Príkazy: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
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