Dr. Sandesh Trivedi
Dr. Sandesh Trivedi
Government Engineering College Ajmer
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Evaluations of Young's Modulus of Boron Nitride Nanotube Reinforced Nano-composites
S. Trivedi, S. C. Sharma, and S. P. Harsha
3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization …, 2014
Evaluations of Young's Modulus of Boron Nitride Nanotube Reinforced Nano-composites
S Trivedi, SC Sharma, SP Harsha
Procedia materials science 6, 1899-1905, 2014
Biosensing application of multiwall boron nitride nanotube‐based nanoresonator for detecting various viruses
S Trivedi, S Kumar, SC Sharma, SP Harsha
IET nanobiotechnology 9 (5), 259-263, 2015
Bond graph modeling and simulation of three phase PM BLDC motor
A Vaz, SS Dhami, S Trivedi
NIT, Durgapur, India, 2009
Single walled-boron nitride nanotubes based nanoresonator for sensing of acetone molecules
S Trivedi, SC Sharma, SP Harsha
Nano 9 (08), 1450086, 2014
Vibration Analysis Of Boron Nitride Nanotube Reinforced Composite Based Nanomechanical Resonator For Fixed-Fixed Configuration
S Trivedi, SC Sharma, SP Harsha
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2 (5 (May-2013 …, 2013
Dynamic analysis of single walled boron nitride nanotube reinforced composite based nanomechanical resonator
S Trivedi, SC Sharma, SP Harsha
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D 95, 7-18, 2014
Dynamic analysis of boron nitride nanotube using different boundary conditions under influence of vacancy defect: Insights from finite element method
H Sharma, S Shrivastava, JS Rathore, S Trivedi
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023
Atomistic modeling and dynamic analysis of boron nitride nanotube in the presence of hexagonal defect
H Sharma, S Shrivastava, JS Rathore, S Trivedi
Materials Today: Proceedings 28, 761-766, 2020
Strength Analysis of Boron Nitride Nanotube Reinforced Nanocomposites
Sandesh Trivedi, Satish C Sharma, Suraj P Harsha
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 12 (10), 5, 2015
Nonlinear vibration analysis of curvy single-walled boron nitride nanotube using mathematical modeling for dynamic responses
H Sharma, S Shrivastava, JS Rathore, S Trivedi
International Journal of Modern Physics B 38 (05), 2450073, 2024
Dynamic analysis of defective single walled boron nitride nanotube based nanocomposites
ST , Satish C. Sharma, Suraj P. Harsha
2nd International Conference on Newest Drifts in Mechanical Engineering …, 2014
Strength Analysis of Boron Nitride Nanotube Reinforced Nanocomposites
ST Suraj P. Harsha, Satish C. Sharma
NMND-2014, HongKong, 2014
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