Edward P. Kolodziej
Edward P. Kolodziej
Professor, University of Washington (Tacoma/Seattle)
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Citované v
A ubiquitous tire rubber–derived chemical induces acute mortality in coho salmon
Z Tian, H Zhao, KT Peter, M Gonzalez, J Wetzel, C Wu, X Hu, J Prat, ...
Science 371 (6525), 185-189, 2021
Dairy wastewater, aquaculture, and spawning fish as sources of steroid hormones in the aquatic environment
EP Kolodziej, T Harter, DL Sedlak
Environmental science & technology 38 (23), 6377-6384, 2004
Using high-resolution mass spectrometry to identify organic contaminants linked to urban stormwater mortality syndrome in coho salmon
KT Peter, Z Tian, C Wu, P Lin, S White, B Du, JK McIntyre, NL Scholz, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (18), 10317-10327, 2018
Attenuation of wastewater-derived contaminants in an effluent-dominated river
LJ Fono, EP Kolodziej, DL Sedlak
Environmental science & technology 40 (23), 7257-7262, 2006
6PPD-quinone: revised toxicity assessment and quantification with a commercial standard
Z Tian, M Gonzalez, CA Rideout, HN Zhao, X Hu, J Wetzel, E Mudrock, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 9 (2), 140-146, 2022
Quantification of steroid hormones with pheromonal properties in municipal wastewater effluent
EP Kolodziej, JL Gray, DL Sedlak
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22 (11), 2622-2629, 2003
Suspect and nontarget screening for contaminants of emerging concern in an urban estuary
Z Tian, KT Peter, AD Gipe, H Zhao, F Hou, DA Wark, T Khangaonkar, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (2), 889-901, 2019
Rangeland grazing as a source of steroid hormones to surface waters
EP Kolodziej, DL Sedlak
Environmental science & technology 41 (10), 3514-3520, 2007
Development of suspect and non-target screening methods for detection of organic contaminants in highway runoff and fish tissue with high-resolution time-of-flight mass …
B Du, JM Lofton, KT Peter, AD Gipe, CA James, JK McIntyre, NL Scholz, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 19 (9), 1185-1196, 2017
More than a first flush: Urban creek storm hydrographs demonstrate broad contaminant pollutographs
KT Peter, F Hou, Z Tian, C Wu, M Goehring, F Liu, EP Kolodziej
Environmental science & technology 54 (10), 6152-6165, 2020
Treading water: Tire wear particle leachate recreates an urban runoff mortality syndrome in coho but not chum salmon
JK McIntyre, J Prat, J Cameron, J Wetzel, E Mudrock, KT Peter, Z Tian, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (17), 11767-11774, 2021
In vivo bioassay‐guided fractionation of marine sediment extracts from the Southern California Bight, USA, for estrogenic activity
D Schlenk, Y Sapozhnikova, MA Irwin, L Xie, W Hwang, S Reddy, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24 (11), 2820-2826, 2005
Environmental designer drugs: when transformation may not eliminate risk
DM Cwiertny, SA Snyder, D Schlenk, EP Kolodziej
Environmental science & technology 48 (20), 11737-11745, 2014
Product-to-parent reversion of trenbolone: unrecognized risks for endocrine disruption
S Qu, EP Kolodziej, SA Long, JB Gloer, EV Patterson, J Baltrusaitis, ...
Science 342 (6156), 347-351, 2013
Transformation Product Formation upon Heterogeneous Ozonation of the Tire Rubber Antioxidant 6PPD (N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N′-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine)
X Hu, HN Zhao, Z Tian, KT Peter, MC Dodd, EP Kolodziej
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 9 (5), 413-419, 2022
Fate of endogenous steroid hormones in steer feedlots under simulated rainfall-induced runoff
DS Mansell, RJ Bryson, T Harter, JP Webster, EP Kolodziej, DL Sedlak
Environmental Science & Technology 45 (20), 8811-8818, 2011
Screening p-Phenylenediamine Antioxidants, Their Transformation Products, and Industrial Chemical Additives in Crumb Rubber and Elastomeric Consumer …
HN Zhao, X Hu, M Gonzalez, CA Rideout, GC Hobby, MF Fisher, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (7), 2779-2791, 2023
Phototransformation rates and mechanisms for synthetic hormone growth promoters used in animal agriculture
S Qu, EP Kolodziej, DM Cwiertny
Environmental science & technology 46 (24), 13202-13211, 2012
Identification and environmental implications of photo-transformation products of trenbolone acetate metabolites
EP Kolodziej, S Qu, KL Forsgren, SA Long, JB Gloer, GD Jones, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (10), 5031-5041, 2013
Transformation products of tire rubber antioxidant 6PPD in heterogeneous gas-phase ozonation: identification and environmental occurrence
HN Zhao, X Hu, Z Tian, M Gonzalez, CA Rideout, KT Peter, MC Dodd, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (14), 5621-5632, 2023
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