Ogier Maitre
Ogier Maitre
Computer science post-doc fellow at the Chôros laboratory EPFL
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Citované v
Coarse grain parallelization of evolutionary algorithms on GPGPU cards with EASEA
O Maitre, LA Baumes, N Lachiche, A Corma, P Collet
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2009
EASEA: specification and execution of evolutionary algorithms on GPGPU
O Maitre, F Krüger, S Querry, N Lachiche, P Collet
Soft Computing 16 (2), 261-279, 2012
Efficient parallel implementation of evolutionary algorithms on GPGPU cards
O Maitre, N Lachiche, P Clauss, L Baumes, A Corma, P Collet
Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing: 15th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2009
Speedups between× 70 and× 120 for a generic local search (memetic) algorithm on a single GPGPU chip
F Krüger, O Maitre, S Jiménez, L Baumes, P Collet
European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 501-511, 2010
Fast evaluation of GP trees on GPGPU by optimizing hardware scheduling
O Maitre, N Lachiche, P Collet
European Conference on Genetic Programming, 301-312, 2010
Data-driven multiobjective analysis of manganese leaching from low grade sources using genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and other allied strategies
A Biswas, O Maitre, DN Mondal, SK Das, PK Sen, P Collet, N Chakraborti
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26 (3), 415-430, 2011
Rebattre les cartes
J Lévy, O Maitre, T Romany
Réseaux 195 (1), 17-52, 2016
Atlas politique de la France: les révolutions silencieuses de la société française
J Lévy
Autrement, 2017
Understanding nvidia gpgpu hardware
O Maitre
Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs, 15-34, 2013
EASEA parallelization of tree-based genetic programming
O Maitre, S Querry, N Lachiche, P Collet
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2010
GPGPU for Evolutionary Algorithms
O Maitre
Strasbourg University, 2012
Automatic parallelization of EC on GPGPUs and clusters of GPGPU machines with EASEA and EASEA-CLOUD
P Collet, F Krüger, O Maitre
Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs, 35-59, 2013
Genetic programming on GPGPU cards using EASEA
O Maitre
Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs, 227-248, 2013
PARADE: a massively parallel differential evolution template for EASEA
J Arabas, O Maitre, P Collet
International Symposium on Evolutionary Computation, 12-20, 2012
Optimization of the mixture transition distribution model using the march package for R
A Berchtold, O Maitre, K Emery
Symmetry 12 (12), 2031, 2020
Generic local search (memetic) algorithm on a single GPGPU chip
F Krüger, O Maitre, S Jiménez, LA Baumes, P Collet
Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs, 63-81, 2013
DISPAR-Tournament: a parallel population reduction operator that behaves like a tournament
O Maitre, D Sharma, N Lachiche, P Collet
European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 284-293, 2011
Two ports of a full evolutionary algorithm onto GPGPU
O Maitre, N Lachiche, P Collet
International Conference on Artificial Evolution (Evolution Artificielle …, 2011
Parallelizing evolutionary algorithms on gpgpu cards with the easea platform
O Maitre, F Kruger, D Sharma, S Querry, N Lachiche, P Collet
Programming multi‐core and many‐core computing systems, 301-319, 2017
GECCO 2012 GPGPU competition The EASEA parallelization platform
P Collet, O Maitre, F Krüger
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