Dibyendu Chatterjee
Dibyendu Chatterjee
Senior Scientist Soil Science, ICAR National Rice Research Institute
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Metal (loid) s (As, Hg, Se, Pb and Cd) in paddy soil: Bioavailability and potential risk to human health
R Khanam, A Kumar, AK Nayak, M Shahid, R Tripathi, S Vijayakumar, ...
Science of the Total Environment 699, 134330, 2020
Continuous application of inorganic and organic fertilizers over 47 years in paddy soil alters the bacterial community structure and its influence on rice production
U Kumar, AK Nayak, M Shahid, VVSR Gupta, P Panneerselvam, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 262, 65-75, 2018
Energy and carbon budgeting of tillage for environmentally clean and resilient soil health of rice-maize cropping system
B Lal, P Gautam, AK Nayak, BB Panda, P Bihari, R Tripathi, M Shahid, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 226, 815-830, 2019
Comparative assessment of urea briquette applicators on greenhouse gas emission, nitrogen loss and soil enzymatic activities in tropical lowland rice
D Chatterjee, S Mohanty, PK Guru, CK Swain, R Tripathi, M Shahid, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 252, 178-190, 2018
Dynamics of soil organic carbon mineralization and C fractions in paddy soil on application of rice husk biochar
S Munda, D Bhaduri, S Mohanty, D Chatterjee, R Tripathi, M Shahid, ...
Biomass and bioenergy 115, 1-9, 2018
Fractions, uptake and fixation capacity of phosphorus and potassium in three contrasting soil orders
D Chatterjee, SC Datta, KM Manjaiah
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 14 (3), 640-656, 2014
Improved Nitrogen Management: A Key to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
H Pathak, N Jain, A Bhatia, A Kumar, D Chatterjee
Indian J Fertilisers 12 (11), 151-162, 2016
Fertilizer recommendations based on targeted yield concept involving integrated nutrient management for potato (Solanum tuberosum) in tarai belt of Uttarakhand.
D Chatterjee, A Srivastava, RK Singh
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80 (12), 1048-1053, 2010
Inter-relationship between intercepted radiation and rice yield influenced by transplanting time, method, and variety
P Gautam, B Lal, AK Nayak, R Raja, BB Panda, R Tripathi, M Shahid, ...
International journal of biometeorology 63, 337-349, 2019
Measuring potassium fractions is not sufficient to assess the long-term impact of fertilization and manuring on soil’s potassium supplying capacity
D Das, AK Nayak, VK Thilagam, D Chatterjee, M Shahid, R Tripathi, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 18, 1806-1820, 2018
Shifting cultivation: An ‘organic like’farming in Nagaland
R Kuotsuo, D Chatterjee, BC Deka, R Kumar, M Ao, K Vikramjeet
Indian Journal of Hill Farming 27 (2), 23-28, 2014
Comparative evaluation of different integrated farming system models for small and marginal farmers under the Eastern Himalayas
R Kumar, MK Patra, A Thirugnanavel, BC Deka, D Chatterjee, TR Borah, ...
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (11), 1722-1729, 2018
Recycling of agricultural wastes to vermicomposts: Characterization and application for clean and quality production of green bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
D Chatterjee, SK Dutta, ZJ Kikon, R Kuotsu, D Sarkar, BS Satapathy, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 315, 128115, 2021
Productivity, quality and soil health as influenced by lime in ricebean cultivars in foothills of northeastern India
R Kumar, D Chatterjee, N Kumawat, A Pandey, A Roy, M Kumar
The Crop Journal 2 (5), 338-344, 2014
Clay carbon pools and their relationship with short-range order minerals: avenues to mitigate climate change?
D Chatterjee, SC Datta, KM Manjaiah
Current Science 105 (10), 1404-1410, 2013
Validation of traditional weed control method through common salt application in the hill region of Nagaland
D Chatterjee, R Kumar, R Kuotsu, BC Deka
Current Science, 1459-1467, 2016
Effect of citric acid treatment on release of phosphorus, aluminium and iron from three dissimilar soils of India
D Chatterjee, SC Datta, KM Manjaiah
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 61 (1), 105-117, 2015
Effects of integrated farming system and rainwater harvesting on livelihood improvement in North-Eastern region of India compared to traditional shifting cultivation: evidence …
SK Ray, D Chatterjee, DJ Rajkhowa, SK Baishya, S Hazarika, S Paul
Agroforestry systems 94, 451-464, 2020
Agriculture: Polymers in crop production mulch and fertilizer
DJ Sarkar, M Barman, T Bera, M De, D Chatterjee
Encyclopedia of polymer applications 1, 1-20, 2018
Does rise in temperature effect adversely on soil fertility, carbon fractions, microbial biomass and enzymatic activities under different land use?
D Chatterjee, R Kuotsu, M Ao, S Saha, SK Ray, SV Ngachan
Current Science 116 (12), 2044-2054, 2019
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