Fredrik Eng-Larsson
Fredrik Eng-Larsson
Associate Professor of Operations Management, Stockholm University
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Citované v
Modal shift for greener logistics–the shipper's perspective
F Eng‐Larsson, C Kohn
International journal of physical distribution & logistics management 42 (1 …, 2012
Modal shift for greener logistics− exploring the role of the contract
F Eng-Larsson, A Norrman
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 44 (10 …, 2014
Customer preferences for delivery service attributes in attended home delivery
P Amorim, N DeHoratius, F Eng-Larsson, S Martins
Management science 70 (11), 7559-7578, 2024
Explaining the cyclic behavior of freight transport CO2-emissions in Sweden over time
F Eng-Larsson, KJ Lundquist, LO Olander, S Wandel
Transport Policy 23, 79-87, 2012
Green logistics in temporary organizations: a paradox? Learnings from the humanitarian context
F Eng-Larsson, D Vega
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 12 (2), 128-139, 2011
Pricing and timing of consolidated deliveries in the presence of an express alternative: Financial and environmental analysis
P Berling, F Eng-Larsson
European Journal of Operational Research 250 (2), 590-601, 2016
Environmental implications of transport contract choice-capacity investment and pricing under volume and capacity contracts
P Berling, F Eng-Larsson
European Journal of Operational Research 261 (1), 129-142, 2017
Target: Low-carbon goods transportation. A growth-dynamics perspective on logistics and goods transportation until 2050
H Pålsson, KJ Lundquist, LO Olander, FE Larsson, L Hiselius
International Transport Forum Discussion Paper, 2014
The Baum–Welch algorithm with limiting distribution constraints
D Steeneck, F Eng-Larsson
Operations Research Letters 46 (6), 563-567, 2018
Estimating lost sales for substitutable products with uncertain on-shelf availability
D Steeneck, F Eng-Larsson, F Jauffred
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 24 (3), 1578-1594, 2022
Where to cut the long tail? the value of carrying inventory in online retail
C Baldauf, F Eng-Larsson, O Isaksson
Management Science 70 (3), 1855-1874, 2024
Mot koldioxidsnåla godstransporter–Tillväxtdynamiskt perspektiv på logistik och godstransporter fram till 2050
H Pålsson, LO Olander, KJ Lundquist, F Eng Larsson, S Wandel, ...
Trafikverket, 2013
The effect of a terrorist attack on emergency department inflow: an observation study using difference-in-differences methodology
A Ekström, F Eng-Larsson, O Isaksson, L Kurland, M Nordberg
Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine 27, 1-7, 2019
Green distribution alternatives: actors, roles and responsibilities
U Sallnäs, M Huge-Brodin, M Björklund, F Eng-Larsson
Environmentally responsible supply chains in an era of digital …, 2024
Klimatsmart e-handelsdistribution–Hur svårt kan det vara?
U Sallnäs, F Eng-Larsson, M Björklund, M Huge-Brodin, L Haag, ...
Supply Chain Effect, 13-18, 2022
The cost of a broken promise: Understanding and mitigating the impact of failure in online retail
P Amorim, F Eng-Larsson, C Pinto
Available at SSRN 3855425, 2021
Green Logistics in Temporary Organization: a paradox?
F Eng Larsson, D Vega Bernal
Les 8èmes Rencontres Internationales de Recherche en Logistique, 2010
Stray Inventory: The Detrimental Effect of In-store Returns of Online Purchases
C Baldauf, N DeHoratius, F Eng-Larsson, O Isaksson
Chicago Booth Research Paper, 2024
Optimerad butikspåfyllnad
OHD Isaksson, C Baldauf, F Eng Larsson
Handelsrådet, 2023
Slutrapport: Hållbar distribution i e-handeln: Hur kan klimatsmarta leveransalternativ underlättas?
U Sallnäs, F Eng-Larsson, L Haag, M Huge-Brodin, M Björklund
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2023
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