Arnaud Can
Arnaud Can
Université Gustave Eiffel
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Citované v
Assessment of the impact of speed limit reduction and traffic signal coordination on vehicle emissions using an integrated approach
M Madireddy, B De Coensel, A Can, B Degraeuwe, B Beusen, ...
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 16 (7), 504-508, 2011
Traffic noise spectrum analysis: Dynamic modeling vs. experimental observations
A Can, L Leclercq, J Lelong, D Botteldooren
Applied Acoustics 71 (8), 764-770, 2010
Effects of traffic signal coordination on noise and air pollutant emissions
B De Coensel, A Can, B Degraeuwe, I De Vlieger, D Botteldooren
Environmental Modelling & Software 35, 74-83, 2012
Accounting for traffic speed dynamics when calculating COPERT and PHEM pollutant emissions at the urban scale
D Lejri, A Can, N Schiper, L Leclercq
Transportation research part D: Transport and Environment 63, 588-603, 2018
Capturing urban traffic noise dynamics through relevant descriptors
A Can, L Leclercq, J Lelong, J Defrance
Applied Acoustics 69 (12), 1270-1280, 2008
Modeling soundscape pleasantness using perceptual assessments and acoustic measurements along paths in urban context
P Aumond, A Can, B De Coensel, D Botteldooren, C Ribeiro, C Lavandier
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 103 (3), 430-443, 2017
Improving noise assessment at intersections by modeling traffic dynamics
E Chevallier, A Can, M Nadji, L Leclercq
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14 (2), 100-110, 2009
Estimation of road traffic noise emissions: The influence of speed and acceleration
A Can, P Aumond
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 58, 155-171, 2018
Noise mapping based on participative measurements
G Guillaume, A Can, G Petit, N Fortin, S Palominos, B Gauvreau, ...
Noise Mapping 3 (1), 2016
Measurement network for urban noise assessment: Comparison of mobile measurements and spatial interpolation approaches
A Can, L Dekoninck, D Botteldooren
Applied acoustics 83, 32-39, 2014
Correlation analysis of noise and ultrafine particle counts in a street canyon
A Can, M Rademaker, T Van Renterghem, V Mishra, M Van Poppel, ...
Science of the Total Environment 409 (3), 564-572, 2011
Kriging-based spatial interpolation from measurements for sound level mapping in urban areas
P Aumond, A Can, V Mallet, B De Coensel, C Ribeiro, D Botteldooren, ...
The journal of the acoustical society of America 143 (5), 2847-2857, 2018
A Taxonomy Proposal for the Assessment of the Changes in Soundscape Resulting from the COVID-19 Lockdown
C Asensio, P Aumond, A Can, L Gascó, P Lercher, JM Wunderli, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (12), 4205, 2020
Dynamic estimation of urban traffic noise: Influence of traffic and noise source representations
A Can, L Leclercq, J Lelong
Applied Acoustics 69 (10), 858-867, 2008
Low-cost sensors for urban noise monitoring networks—A literature review
J Picaut, A Can, N Fortin, J Ardouin, M Lagrange
Sensors 20 (8), 2256, 2020
Accounting for traffic dynamics improves noise assessment: Experimental evidence
A Can, L Leclercq, J Lelong, J Defrance
Applied acoustics 70 (6), 821-829, 2009
The future of urban sound environments: Impacting mobility trends and insights for noise assessment and mitigation
A Can, A L'hostis, P Aumond, D Botteldooren, MC Coelho, C Guarnaccia, ...
Applied Acoustics 170, 107518, 2020
Sampling approaches to predict urban street noise levels using fixed and temporary microphones
A Can, T Van Renterghem, M Rademaker, S Dauwe, P Thomas, ...
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13 (10), 2710-2719, 2011
Open-source modeling chain for the dynamic assessment of road traffic noise exposure
V Le Bescond, A Can, P Aumond, P Gastineau
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 94, 102793, 2021
Describing and classifying urban sound environments with a relevant set of physical indicators
A Can, B Gauvreau
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (1), 208-218, 2015
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