Djamal Merad
Djamal Merad
Professor of Computer Science, Université Aix-Marseille, France
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Citované v
Underwater photogrammetry and object modeling: a case study of Xlendi Wreck in Malta
P Drap, D Merad, B Hijazi, L Gaoua, MM Nawaf, M Saccone, B Chemisky, ...
Sensors 15 (12), 30351-30384, 2015
Fast people counting using head detection from skeleton graph
D Merad, KE Aziz, N Thome
2010 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2010
The ROV 3D Project: Deep-sea underwater survey using photogrammetry: Applications for underwater archaeology
P Drap, J Seinturier, B Hijazi, D Merad, JM Boi, B Chemisky, E Seguin, ...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 8 (4), 1-24, 2015
People tracking in multi-camera systems: a review
R Iguernaissi, D Merad, K Aziz, P Drap
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 10773-10793, 2019
Tracking multiple persons under partial and global occlusions: Application to customers’ behavior analysis
D Merad, KE Aziz, R Iguernaissi, B Fertil, P Drap
Pattern Recognition Letters 81, 11-20, 2016
Harvesting effects, recovery mechanisms, and management strategies for a long-lived and structural precious coral
I Montero-Serra, C Linares, M García, F Pancaldi, M Frleta-Valić, ...
PloS one 10 (2), e0117250, 2015
Underwater image preprocessing for automated photogrammetry in high turbidity water: An application on the Arles-Rhone XIII roman wreck in the Rhodano river, France
A Mahiddine, J Seinturier, DPJM Boï, P Drap, D Merad, L Long
2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 189-194, 2012
Human body part labeling and tracking using graph matching theory
N Thome, D Merad, S Miguet
2006 IEEE International Conference on Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 38-38, 2006
Ensemble method of convolutional neural networks with directed acyclic graph using dermoscopic images: melanoma detection application
AC Foahom Gouabou, JL Damoiseaux, J Monnier, R Iguernaissi, ...
Sensors 21 (12), 3999, 2021
Learning articulated appearance models for tracking humans: A spectral graph matching approach
N Thome, D Merad, S Miguet
Signal Processing: Image Communication 23 (10), 769-787, 2008
Underwater programmetry for archaeology and marine biology: 40 years of experience in Marseille, France
P Drap, D Merad, J Seinturier, A Mahiddine, D Peloso, JM Boï, ...
2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage) 1, 97-104, 2013
People re-identification across multiple non-overlapping cameras system by appearance classification and silhouette part segmentation
KE Aziz, D Merad, B Fertil
2011 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2011
Performances analysis of underwater image preprocessing techniques on the repeatability of SIFT and SURF descriptors
A Mahiddine, J Seinturier, JM Boï, P Drap, D Merad
WSCG 2012: 20th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization …, 2012
Pedestrian Head Detection and Tracking Using Skeleton Graph for People Counting in Crowded Environments.
KE Aziz, D Merad, B Fertil, N Thome
MVA, 516-519, 2011
Underwater photogrammetry for archaeology. What will be the next step?
P Drap, D Merad, A Mahiddine, J Seinturier, D Peloso, JM Boï, ...
International journal of heritage in the digital era 2 (3), 375-394, 2013
Automatic detection of stereotyped movements in autistic children using the Kinect sensor
M Jazouli, A Majda, D Merad, R Aalouane, A Zarghili
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 29 (3), 201-220, 2019
Photogrammetric surveys and geometric processes to analyse and monitor red coral colonies
JP Royer, MM Nawaf, D Merad, M Saccone, O Bianchimani, J Garrabou, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6 (2), 42, 2018
Computer aided diagnosis of melanoma using deep neural networks and game theory: Application on dermoscopic images of skin lesions
AC Foahom Gouabou, J Collenne, J Monnier, R Iguernaissi, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (22), 13838, 2022
3D-AD: 3D-autism dataset for repetitive behaviours with kinect sensor
O Rihawi, D Merad, JL Damoiseaux
2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2017
Photogrammetry for medieval archaeology: A way to represent and analyse stratigraphy
P Drap, D Merad, JM Boï, J Seinturier, D Peloso, C Reidinger, G Vannini, ...
2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 157-164, 2012
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