Dr. Upendra Kumar
Dr. Upendra Kumar
Senior Scientist (Microbiology), ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack,Odisha, India
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Citované v
Metal (loid) s (As, Hg, Se, Pb and Cd) in paddy soil: Bioavailability and potential risk to human health
R Khanam, A Kumar, AK Nayak, M Shahid, R Tripathi, S Vijayakumar, ...
Science of The Total Environment 699, 134330, 2020
Bacillus and Paenibacillus spp.: Potential PGPR for Sustainable Agriculture
V Govindasamy, M Senthilkumar, V Magheshwaran, U Kumar, P Bose, ...
Plant growth and health promoting bacteria, 333-364, 2011
DNRA: A short-circuit in biological N-cycling to conserve nitrogen in terrestrial ecosystems
CB Pandey, U Kumar, M Kaviraj, KJ Minick, AK Mishra, JS Singh
Science of The Total Environment 738, 139710 (1-25), 2020
Variation of functional diversity of soil microbial community in sub-humid tropical rice-rice cropping system under long-term organic and inorganic fertilization
U Kumar, M Shahid, R Tripathi, S Mohanty, A Kumar, P Bhattacharyya, ...
Ecological Indicators 73, 536-543, 2017
Continuous application of inorganic and organic fertilizers over 47 years in paddy soil alters the bacterial community structure and its influence on rice production
U Kumar, AK Nayak, M Shahid, V Gupta, P Panneerselvam, S Mohanty, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 262, 65-75, 2018
Energy and carbon budgeting of tillage for environmentally clean and resilient soil health of rice-maize cropping system
B Lal, P Gautam, AK Nayak, BB Panda, P Bihari, R Tripathi, M Shahid, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 226, 815-830, 2019
Application of rice (Oryza sativa L.) root endophytic diazotrophic Azotobacter sp. strain Avi2 (MCC 3432) can increase rice yield under green house and field condition
A Banik, GK Dash, P Swain, U Kumar, SK Mukhopadhyay, TK Dangar
Microbiological Research 219, 56-65, 2019
Carbon and nitrogen fractions and stocks under 41 years of chemical and organic fertilization in a sub-humid tropical rice soil
M Shahid, AK Nayak, C Puree, R Tripathi, B Lal, P Gautam, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 170, 136-146, 2017
Effects of water deficit stress on agronomic and physiological responses of rice and greenhouse gas emission from rice soil under elevated atmospheric CO2
A Kumar, AK Nayak, BS Das, N Panigrahi, P Dasgupta, S Mohanty, ...
Science of the Total Environment, 2019
Ecological mechanism and diversity in rice based integrated farming system
PK Nayak, AK Nayak, BB Panda, B Lal, A Gautam, P, Poonam, M Shahid, ...
Ecological Indicators 91, 359-375, 2018
Comparative assessment of urea briquette applicators on greenhouse gas emission, nitrogen loss and soil enzymatic activities in tropical lowland rice
D Chatterjee, S Mohanty, PK Guru, CK Swain, R Tripathi, M Shahid, ...
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 252, 178-190, 2018
Dynamics of soil organic carbon mineralization and C fractions in paddy soil on application of rice husk biochar
S Munda, D Bhaduri, S Mohanty, D Chatterjee, R Tripathi, M Shahid, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 115, 1-9, 2018
Imidacloprid application changes microbial dynamics and enzymes in rice soil
B Mahapatra, T Adak, NKB Patil, GP Pandi G, GB Gowda, NN Jambhulkar, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 144, 123-130, 2017
Integrated Nutrient Management in Rice-Wheat Cropping System: An Evidence on Sustainability in the Indian Subcontinent through Meta-Analysis
S Sharma, R Padbhushan, U Kumar
Agronomy 9 (71), 1-15, 2019
Non-target effect of continuous application of chlorpyrifos on soil microbes, nematodes and its persistence under sub-humid tropical rice-rice cropping system
U Kumar, J Berliner, T Adak, PC Rath, A Dey, SS Pokhare, ...
Ecotoxicolology and Environmental Safety 135, 225-235, 2017
Impact of integrated nutrient management options on GHG emissions, N loss and N use efficiency in low land rice
S Mohanty, AK Nayak, CK Swain, BB Dhal, A Kumar, A Kumar, R Tripathi, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 200, 104616, 2020
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) for Sustainable Rice Production
P Panneerselvam, U Kumar, TCK Sugitha, S Sahoo, AK Binodh, A Jahan, ...
In: Adhya T., Mishra B., Annapurna K., Verma D., Kumar U. (eds) Advances in …, 2017
Influence of elevated CO2 on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community elucidated using Illumina MiSeq platform in sub-humid tropical paddy soil
P Panneerselvam, U Kumar, A Senapati, C Parmesawarn, A Anandan, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 145, 103344, 2020
Combined application of rice husk biochar and fly ash improved the yield of lowland rice
S Munda, AK Nayak, PN Mishra, P Bhattacharyya, S Mohanty, A Kumar, ...
Soil Research 54 (4), 451-459, 2016
Long-term aromatic rice cultivation effect on frequency and diversity of diazotrophs in its rhizosphere
U Kumar, P Panneerselvam, V Govindasamy, L VithalKumar, ...
Ecological Engineering 101, 227-236, 2017
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