ISSeP - Remote Sensing and Geodata Unit
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Comparison of methods for quantifying active layer dynamics and bedload discharge in armoured gravel‐bed rivers
G Houbrechts, J Van Campenhout, Y Levecq, E Hallot, A Peeters, F Petit
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (14), 1501-1517, 2012
Shape and amount of the Quaternary uplift of the western Rhenish shield and the Ardennes (western Europe)
A Demoulin, E Hallot
Tectonophysics 474 (3-4), 696-708, 2009
Evaluation des puissances spécifiques de rivières de moyenne et de haute Belgique
F Petit, E Hallot, J Mols, G Houbrechts
Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège, 2005
Evaluation of long-term bedload virtual velocity in gravel-bed rivers (Ardenne, Belgium)
G Houbrechts, Y Levecq, A Peeters, E Hallot, J Van Campenhout, ...
Geomorphology 251, 6-19, 2015
Dimensionless critical shear stress in gravel-bed rivers
F Petit, G Houbrechts, A Peeters, E Hallot, J Van Campenhout, AC Denis
Geomorphology 250, 308-320, 2015
Habitat choice by Atlantic salmon parr in relation to turbulence at a reach scale
EC Enders, ML Roy, M Ovidio, ÉJ Hallot, C Boyer, F Petit, AG Roy
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (6), 1819-1830, 2009
Use of Sentinel-2 and LUCAS database for the inventory of land use, land use change, and forestry in Wallonia, Belgium
O Close, B Benjamin, S Petit, X Fripiat, E Hallot
Land 7 (4), 154, 2018
Can coarse bedload pass through weirs?
A Peeters, G Houbrechts, E Hallot, J Van Campenhout, F Gob, F Petit
Geomorphology 359, 107131, 2020
Using multi-temporal landsat images and support vector machine to assess the changes in agricultural irrigated areas in the Mogtedo region, Burkina Faso
F Traoré, J Bonkoungou, J Compaoré, L Kouadio, J Wellens, E Hallot, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (12), 1442, 2019
Amount and controls of the Quaternary denudation in the Ardennes massif (western Europe)
A Demoulin, E Hallot, G Rixhon
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34 (11), 1487-1496, 2009
Suitability and sustainability of spawning gravel placement in degraded river reaches, Belgium
A Peeters, G Houbrechts, B de le Court, E Hallot, J Van Campenhout, ...
Catena 201, 105217, 2021
UAV-based landfill land cover mapping: optimizing data acquisition and open-source processing protocols
C Wyard, B Beaumont, T Grippa, E Hallot
Drones 6 (5), 123, 2022
Future evolution of the hydroclimatic conditions favouring floods in the south‐east of Belgium by 2100 using a regional climate model
C Wyard, C Scholzen, S Doutreloup, É Hallot, X Fettweis
International Journal of Climatology 41 (1), 647-662, 2021
Images CM de Passega des rivières ardennaises
G Houbrechts, É Hallot, Y Levecq, AC Denis, J Van Campenhout, ...
Bulletin de la Société géographique de Liège 61, 2013
Fréquence et importance du charriage dans les rivières du Massif ardennais
G Houbrechts, É Hallot, F Gob, J Mols, O Defechereux, F Petit
Géographie physique et Quaternaire 60 (3), 241-251, 2006
Proposition d’une méthode de typologie hydro-géomorphologique des cours d’eau et tes sur un sous-bassin du Rhône (Bassin de l’Yzeron).
L Schmitt, L Valette, K Valin, H Piégay, E Hallot
Spatialisation et cartographie en hydrologie, 2004
Evaluating the potentiality of sentinel-2 for change detection analysis associated to LULUCF in Wallonia, Belgium
O Close, S Petit, B Beaumont, E Hallot
Land 10 (1), 55, 2021
La typologie et les caractéristiques hydromorphologiques des cours d'eau wallons
F Petit, E Hallot, G Houbrechts, Y Levecq, J Mols, A Peeters, ...
La Gestion physique des cours d'eau:, 2008
Mobility and home-range use of Atlantic salmon parr over short time scales
M Ovidio, EC Enders, EJ Hallot, ML Roy, JC Philippart, F Petit, AG Roy
Aquatic Living Resources 20 (1), 95-101, 2007
Controls on knickpoint migration in a drainage network of the moderately uplifted Ardennes Plateau, Western Europe
A Beckers, B Bovy, E Hallot, A Demoulin
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (3), 357-374, 2015
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