Helena Larsdotter-Mellström
Helena Larsdotter-Mellström
Stockholm University, University of Western Australia
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Citované v
Citované v
Are stepchildren over–represented as victims of lethal parental violence in Sweden?
H Temrin, J Nordlund, H Sterner
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Seasonal polyphenism in life history traits: time costs of direct development in a butterfly
H Larsdotter Mellström, M Friberg, AK Borg-Karlson, R Murtazina, M Palm, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 1377-1383, 2010
Males use sex pheromone assessment to tailor ejaculates to risk of sperm competition in a butterfly
H Larsdotter Mellström, C Wiklund
Behavioral Ecology 20 (5), 1147-1151, 2009
What affects mating rate? Polyandry is higher in the directly developing generation of the butterfly Pieris napi
HL Mellström, C Wiklund
Animal Behaviour 80 (3), 413-418, 2010
Sex‐linked inheritance of diapause induction in the butterfly Pieris napi
P Pruisscher, H Larsdotter‐Mellström, C Stefanescu, S Nylin, CW Wheat, ...
Physiological Entomology 42 (3), 257-265, 2017
Male butterflies use an anti‐aphrodisiac pheromone to tailor ejaculates
H Larsdotter‐Mellström, K Eriksson, N Janz, S Nylin, MA Carlsson
Functional Ecology 30 (2), 255-261, 2016
It's all in the mix: blend-specific behavioral response to a sexual pheromone in a butterfly
H Larsdotter-Mellström, K Eriksson, I Liblikas I, C Wiklund, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 7, 68, 2016
Different mating expenditure in response to sperm competition risk between generations in the bivoltine butterfly Pieris napi
H Larsdotter-Mellström, C Wiklund
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69, 1067-1074, 2015
Timing of male sex pheromone biosynthesis in a butterfly–different dynamics under direct or diapause development
H Larsdotter-Mellström, R Murtazina, AK Borg-Karlson, C Wiklund
Journal of chemical ecology 38, 584-591, 2012
Sexual dimorphism in cuticular hydrocarbons and their potential use in mating in a bushcricket with dynamic sex roles
RM Hare, H Larsdotter-Mellström, LW Simmons
Animal Behaviour 187, 245-252, 2022
Life history evolution in a bivoltine butterfly
H Larsdotter Mellström
Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, 2012
A life history perspective on mating behaviour in the butterfly Pieris napi
HL Mellström
Zoologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 2009
A life history perspective on mating behaviour in the butterfly Pieris napi
H Larsdotter Mellström
Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, 2009
Butterfly males can smell the mating status of females and use this information to design their ejaculate
H Larsdotter-Mellström, K Eriksson, N Janz, S Nylin, MA Carlsson
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