Maya Kylén
Maya Kylén
Associate professor in health science
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Home and health in the third age—Methodological background and descriptive findings
M Kylén, H Ekström, M Haak, S Elmståhl, S Iwarsson
International journal of environmental research and public health 11 (7 …, 2014
Perceived home is associated with psychological well-being in a cohort aged 67–70 years
M Kylén, SM Schmidt, S Iwarsson, M Haak, H Ekström
Journal of Environmental Psychology 51, 239-247, 2017
Meaning of home and health dynamics among younger older people in Sweden
M Kylén, C Löfqvist, M Haak, S Iwarsson
European Journal of Ageing 16 (3), 305-315, 2019
Changes in daily life and wellbeing in adults, 70 years and older, in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic
S Fristedt, G Carlsson, M Kylén, O Jonsson, M Granbom
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 29 (6), 511-521, 2022
How is the environment integrated into post‐stroke rehabilitation? A qualitative study among community‐dwelling persons with stroke who receive home rehabilitation in Sweden
M Kylén, C Ytterberg, L von Koch, M Elf
Health & social care in the community 30 (5), 1933-1943, 2022
What motivates informal carers to be actively involved in research, and what obstacles to involvement do they perceive?
C Malm, S Andersson, M Kylén, S Iwarsson, E Hanson, SM Schmidt
Research Involvement and Engagement 7, 1-14, 2021
Relationships between perceived aspects of home and symptoms in a cohort aged 67–70
M Haak, M Kylén, H Ekström, SM Schmidt, V Horstmann, S Elmståhl, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 61 (3), 529-534, 2015
A hundred days in confinement: Doing, being, becoming, and belonging among older people in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic
G Carlsson, M Granbom, S Fristedt, O Jonsson, L Hägg, J Ericsson, ...
Journal of Occupational Science 29 (3), 402-416, 2022
The importance of the built environment in person-centred rehabilitation at home: study protocol
M Kylén, L Von Koch, H Pessah-Rasmussen, E Marcheschi, C Ytterberg, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (13), 2409, 2019
Perceived housing in relation to retirement and relocation: A qualitative interview study among older adults
E Eriksson, K Wazinski, A Wanka, M Kylén, F Oswald, B Slaug, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (20), 13314, 2022
User involvement in ageing and health research: a survey of researchers’ and older adults’ perspectives
M Kylén, B Slaug, O Jonsson, S Iwarsson, SM Schmidt
Health Research Policy and Systems 20 (1), 93, 2022
Awareness of and attitudes towards public involvement in research on ageing and health among older people in Sweden
J Frögren, SM Schmidt, M Kylén, O Jonsson, B Slaug, S Iwarsson
PloS One 17 (6), e0269993, 2022
Patient participation and the environment: A scoping review of instruments
M Kylén, UK Schön, H Pessah-Rasmussen, M Elf
International journal of Environmental Research and public health 19 (4), 2003, 2022
Feasibility of a reablement-program in a Swedish municipality
M Zingmark, M Kylén
Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy 30 (1), 53-64, 2023
Self-management from the perspective of people with stroke–An interview study
E Klockar, M Kylén, C Gustavsson, T Finch, F Jones, M Elf
Patient Education and Counseling 112, 107740, 2023
Housing accessibility at home and rehabilitation outcomes after a stroke: an explorative study
M Elf, B Slaug, C Ytterberg, A Heylighen, M Kylén
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal 16 (4), 172-186, 2023
Awareness of and attitudes toward user involvement in research on aging and health: protocol for a quantitative large-scale panel study
M Kylén, SM Schmidt, O Jonsson, B Slaug, S Iwarsson
JMIR research protocols 9 (9), e17759, 2020
Living with the aftermaths of a stroke in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic; the significance of home and close surroundings
M Kylén, L von Koch, AW Wottrich, M Elf
Health & Place 76, 102852, 2022
Mapping Transitions in the Life Course: An Exploration of Process Ontological Potentials and Limits of Situational Analysis
K Wazinski, A Wanka, M Kylén, B Slaug, SM Schmidt
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 24 (2), 2023
Tailoring and evaluating an intervention to support self-management after stroke: protocol for a multi-case, mixed methods comparison study
M Elf, E Klockar, M Kylén, L von Koch, C Ytterberg, L Wallin, T Finch, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 11 (5), e37672, 2022
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