Simon Milton
Simon Milton
Associate Professor, Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne
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Citované v
Citované v
An ontology of data modelling languages: A study using a common-sense realistic ontology
SK Milton, E Kazmierczak
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 15 (2), 19-38, 2004
Service blueprinting and BPMN: a comparison
SK Milton, LW Johnson
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 22 (6), 606-621, 2012
Electronic error-reporting systems: A case study into the impact on nurse reporting of medical errors
R Lederman, S Dreyfus, J Matchan, JC Knott, SK Milton
Nursing Outlook 61 (6), 417-426. e5, 2013
Using meta models for the comparison of ontologies
I Davies, P Green, S Milton, M Rosemann
Proceedings of the Eighth CAISE/IFIP8. 1 International Workshop on …, 2003
One hundred tasks an hour: an observational study of emergency department consultant activities
R Kee, JC Knott, S Dreyfus, R Lederman, S Milton, K Joe
Emergency Medicine Australasia 24 (3), 294-302, 2012
Thesaurus and ontology structure: Formal and pragmatic differences and similarities
D Kless, S Milton, E Kazmierczak, J Lindenthal
Journal of the Association for information science and technology 66 (7 …, 2015
Stakeholder engagement in enterprise architecture practice: What inhibitors are there?
S Kurnia, S Kotusev, G Shanks, R Dilnutt, S Milton
Information and software technology 134, 106536, 2021
Ontology as meta-theory: A perspective
SK Milton, E Kazmierczak
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 18 (1), 85-94, 2006
Enriching the ontological foundations of modelling in information systems
S Milton, E Kazmierczak
Proc of the IS Foundations Workshop, Macquarie University, 1999
A conceptual comparison of service blueprinting and business process modeling notation (BPMN)
Y Kazemzadeh, SK Milton, LW Johnson
Asian Social Science 11 (12), 307-318, 2015
Towards quality measures for evaluating thesauri
D Kless, S Milton
Metadata and Semantic Research: 4th International Conference, MTSR 2010 …, 2010
Top-level ontology: The problem with naturalism
SK Milton, B Smith
Formal ontology in information systems 85, 94, 2004
Components of service value in business-to-business Cloud Computing
RS Padilla, SK Milton, LW Johnson
Journal of Cloud Computing 4, 1-20, 2015
An ontological study of data modelling languages using Chisholm’s ontology
S Milton, E Kazmierczak, C Keen
Proc. 11th European-Japanese Conference Information Modelling and Knowledge …, 2001
An ontological comparison and evaluation of data modelling frameworks
S Milton
Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Information Systems, The University of …, 2000
Enterprise architecture practice under a magnifying glass: linking artifacts, activities, benefits, and blockers
S Kurnia, S Kotusev, G Shanks, R Dilnutt, P Taylor, SK Milton
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 49 (1), 34, 2021
Enterprise architecture service provision: pathways to value
K Frampton, G Shanks, T Tamm, S Kurnia, S Milton
Analyzing and comparing ontologies with meta-models
I Davies, P Green, S Milton, M Rosemann
Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies: Advanced Topics in Database …, 2005
Going public: Researching external whistleblowing in a new media age
R Bosua, S Milton, S Dreyfus, R Lederman
International handbook on whistleblowing research, 250-272, 2014
Relationships and relata in ontologies and thesauri: Differences and similarities
N Grabar, T Hamon, O Bodenreider, D Kless, S Milton, E Kazmierczak
Applied Ontology 7 (4), 401-428, 2012
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