Radin Umar
Radin Umar
Professor UPM
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Citované v
Modelling of conspicuity-related motorcycle accidents in Seremban and Shah Alam, Malaysia
URS Radin, MG Mackay, BL Hills
Accident Analysis & Prevention 28 (3), 325-332, 1996
Compliance of proper safety helmet usage in motorcyclists
S Kulanthayan, RSR Umar, HA Hariza, MTM Nasir, S Harwant
Medical Journal of Malaysia 55 (1), 40-44, 2000
A new motorcycle helmet liner material: The finite element simulation and design of experiment optimization
FM Shuaeib, AMS Hamouda, SV Wong, RSR Umar, MMHM Ahmed
Materials & design 28 (1), 182-195, 2007
Motorcycle crash prediction model for non-signalized intersections
S Harnen, SV Wong, RSR Umar, WIW Hashim
IATSS research 27 (2), 58-65, 2003
Motorcycle safety programmes in Malaysia: how effective are they?
RS Radin Umar
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 13 (2), 71-79, 2006
Preliminary analysis of exclusive motorcycle lanes along the federal highway F02, Shah Alam, Malaysia
RS Radin Umar, GM Mackay, BL Hills
Journal of IATSS Research 19 (2), 93-98, 1995
Key components of a motorcycle-traffic system: A Study Along the Motorcycle Path in Malaysia
H Hussain, URS Radin, FMS Ahmad, MM Dadang
IATSS research 29 (1), 50-56, 2005
Accident characteristics of injured motorcyclists in Malaysia.
TY Pang, RS Umar, AA Azhar, MM Ahmad, MT Nasir, S Harwant
The Medical Journal of Malaysia 55 (1), 45-50, 2000
Multivariate analysis of motorcycle accidents and the effects of exclusive motorcycle lanes in Malaysia
RUR Sohadi, M Mackay, B Hills
Journal of Crush Prevention and Injury Control 2 (1), 11-17, 2000
Motorcycle helmet: Part II. Materials and design issues
FM Shuaeib, AMS Hamouda, MM Hamdan, RSR Umar, MSJ Hashmi
Journal of materials processing technology 123 (3), 422-431, 2002
Motorcycle helmet: Part I. Biomechanics and computational issues
FM Shuaeib, AMS Hamouda, RSR Umar, MM Hamdan, MSJ Hashmi
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 123 (3), 406-421, 2002
Pattern of maxillofacial injuries in motorcyclists in Malaysia
R Ramli, RA Rahman, NA Rahman, FA Karim, RK Rajandram, ...
Journal of Craniofacial surgery 19 (2), 316-321, 2008
Mode choice model for vulnerable motorcyclists in Malaysia
IS AK, RU RS, M Stevenson, A Hariza
Traffic injury prevention 7 (2), 150-154, 2006
Modeling of compliance behavior of motorcyclists to proper usage of safety helmets in Malaysia
S KULANTHAYAN∗, RS Radin Umar, H Ahmad Hariza¶, ...
Traffic Injury Prevention 2 (3), 239-246, 2001
Preliminary analysis of motorcycle accidents: short-term impacts of the running headlights campaign and regulation in Malaysia
RS Radin Umar, GM Mackay, BL Hills
Journal of traffic medicine 23 (1), 17-28, 1995
The use of non-standard motorcycle helmets in low-and middle-income countries: a multicentre study
W Ackaah, F Afukaar, W Agyemang, TT Anh, AR Hejar, G Abdul, ...
Injury prevention 19 (3), 158-163, 2013
Determination of comfortable safe width in an exclusive motorcycle lane
TH Law, RUR Sohadi
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 6, 3372-3385, 2005
Seat belt use among car users in Malaysia
S Kulanthayan, TH Law, AR Raha, URS RADIN
IATSS research 28 (1), 19-25, 2004
Fatal injuries in Malaysian motorcyclists
TY Pang, RS Radin Umar, AA Azhar, S Harwant, AW Shahrom, ...
International medical research journal 3 (2), 115-119, 1999
Crashes with roadside objects along motorcycle lanes in Malaysia
SH Tung, SV Wong, TH Law, RS Radin Umar
International journal of crashworthiness 13 (2), 205-210, 2008
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