Ladan Ghahramani, PhD
Ladan Ghahramani, PhD
Department of Park, Recreation, and Tourism Management, North Carolina State University
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Citované v
Minority community resilience and cultural heritage preservation: A case study of the gullah geechee community
L Ghahramani, K McArdle, S Fatorić
Sustainability 12 (6), 2266, 2020
How smartphones enhance local tourism experiences?
Z Ghaderi, P Hatamifar, L Ghahramani
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 24 (8), 778-788, 2019
Support for tourism: The roles of attitudes, subjective wellbeing, and emotional solidarity
IE Munanura, MD Needham, K Lindberg, C Kooistra, L Ghahramani
Theoretical Advancement in Social Impacts Assessment of Tourism Research …, 2023
Understanding effects of tourism on residents: A contingent subjective well-being approach
K Lindberg, IE Munanura, C Kooistra, MD Needham, L Ghahramani
Journal of Travel Research 61 (2), 346-361, 2022
From “hypercritics” to “happy campers”: Who complains the most in fine dining restaurants?
J Khalilzadeh, L Ghahramani, S Tabari
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 26 (5), 451-473, 2017
Tourism microentrepreneurship knowledge cogeneration
DB Morais, BS Ferreira, S Nazariadli, L Ghahramani
Knowledge transfer to and within tourism: Academic, industry and government …, 2017
Minority community resilience and cultural heritage preservation: A case study of the gullah geechee community. Sustainability, 12 (6), 2266
L Ghahramani, K McArdle, S Fatorić
Tour guides’ communication ecosystems: an inferential social network analysis approach
L Ghahramani, J Khalilzadeh, B Kc
Information Technology & Tourism 20, 103-130, 2018
Geospatial analytics for park & protected land visitor reservation data
S Supak, G Brothers, L Ghahramani, D Van Berkel
Analytics in Smart Tourism Design: Concepts and Methods, 81-109, 2017
Knowledge co-generation and transfer in the people-first tourism project
DB Morais, B Ferreira, S Nazariadli, L Ghahramani
Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice 8, 73-96, 2017
Entrepreneurial Intentions of Tourism Students: An Integrated Structural Model Approach
K Esfandiar, L Ghahramani, MS Tehrani
Tourist behavior analysis: An experiential marketing approach
L Ghahramani, SD Zare
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 11 (2), 65-71, 2013
The role of tourism impact attitudes, subjective wellbeing, and emotional solidarity in predicting support for tourism
IE Munanura, C Kooistra, L Ghahramani
International Journal of Tourism Science 20 (1), 8-25, 2021
Bringing Emotions into Social Exchange Theory: Exploring the Role of Resident-Tourist Interaction
L Ghahramani
North Carolina State University, 2021
Oregon Tourism Workforce Assessment
L Ghahramani
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