Heinz Schaettler
Heinz Schaettler
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Geometric optimal control: theory, methods and examples
H Schättler, U Ledzewicz
Springer, 2012
Local bifurcations and feasibility regions in differential-algebraic systems
V Venkatasubramanian, H Schattler, J Zaborszky
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 40 (12), 1992-2013, 1995
The first-order approach to the continuous-time principal–agent problem with exponential utility
H Schättler, J Sung
Journal of Economic Theory 61 (2), 331-371, 1993
Optimal control for mathematical models of cancer therapies
H Schättler, U Ledzewicz
An application of geometric methods, 2015
Dynamics of large constrained nonlinear systems-a taxonomy theory [power system stability]
V Venkatasubramanian, H Schattler, J Zaborsky
Proceedings of the IEEE 83 (11), 1530-1561, 1995
Optimal bang-bang controls for a two-compartment model in cancer chemotherapy
U Ledzewicz, H Schättler
Journal of optimization theory and applications 114, 609-637, 2002
Antiangiogenic therapy in cancer treatment as an optimal control problem
U Ledzewicz, H Schättler
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 46 (3), 1052-1079, 2007
On optimal delivery of combination therapy for tumors
A d’Onofrio, U Ledzewicz, H Maurer, H Schättler
Mathematical biosciences 222 (1), 13-26, 2009
Fast time-varying phasor analysis in the balanced three-phase large electric power system
V Venkatasubramanian, H Schattler, J Zaborszky
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 40 (11), 1975-1982, 1995
Global voltage dynamics: study of a generator with voltage control, transmission, and matched MW load
V Venkatasubramanian, H Schattler, J Zaborszky
29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3045-3056, 1990
Optimal control for a class of compartmental models in cancer chemotherapy
A Świerniak, U Ledzewicz, H Schättler
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2003
Time-stamped model predictive control: an algorithm for control of processes with random delays
D Srinivasagupta, H Schättler, B Joseph
Computers & Chemical Engineering 28 (8), 1337-1346, 2004
The structure of small-time reachable sets in low dimensions
AJ Krener, H Schättler
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 27 (1), 120-147, 1989
Analysis of a cell-cycle specific model for cancer chemotherapy
U Ledzewicz, H Schättler
Journal of Biological Systems 10 (03), 183-206, 2002
On optimal singular controls for a general SIR-model with vaccination and treatment
U Ledzewicz, H Schättler
Conference Publications 2011 (Special), 981-990, 2011
Optimal response to chemotherapy for a mathematical model of tumor–immune dynamics
U Ledzewicz, M Naghnaeian, H Schättler
Journal of mathematical biology 64, 557-577, 2012
Drug resistance in cancer chemotherapy as an optimal control problem
U Ledzewicz, HM Schättler
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 6 (1), 129, 2006
Optimal and suboptimal protocols for a class of mathematical models of tumor anti-angiogenesis
U Ledzewicz, H Schättler
Journal of Theoretical Biology 252 (2), 295-312, 2008
Methods for calculating oscillations in large power systems
K Kim, H Schattler, V Venkatasubramanian, J Zaborszky, P Hirsch
IEEE Transactions on power systems 12 (4), 1639-1648, 1997
A taxonomy of the dynamics of the large power system with emphasis on its voltage stability
V Venkatasubramanian, H Schattler, J Zaborszky
Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena II: Voltage Stability and Security, Deep …, 1991
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