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The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe
EA Martin, M Dainese, Y Clough, A Báldi, R Bommarco, V Gagic, ...
Ecology letters 22 (7), 1083-1094, 2019
Value of ecological infrastructure diversity in the maintenance of spider assemblages: A case study of Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystems
N Rosas-Ramos, L Baños-Picón, E Tobajas, V de Paz, J Tormos, JD Asís
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 265, 244-253, 2018
Diversidad de insectos polinizadores en la península ibérica
C Stefanescu, JD Asís, L Baños-Picón, X Cerdà, MAM García, E Micó, ...
Ecosistemas 27 (2), 9-22, 2018
The complementarity between ecological infrastructure types benefits natural enemies and pollinators in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem
N Rosas‐Ramos, L Baños‐Picón, J Tormos, JD Asís
Annals of Applied Biology 175 (2), 193-201, 2019
Superparasitism in laboratory rearing of Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitoid of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae)
J Tormos, J Asis, B Sabater-Munoz, L Baños, SF Gayubo, F Beitia
Bulletin of entomological research 102 (1), 51-61, 2012
Natural enemies and pollinators in traditional cherry orchards: Functionally important taxa respond differently to farming system
N Rosas-Ramos, L Banos-Picon, J Tormos, JD Asis
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 295, 106920, 2020
Are solitary progressive-provisioning wasps optimal foragers? A study with the digger wasp Bembix merceti (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae)
SF Gayubo
Behaviour 148 (2), 191-214, 2011
Farming system shapes traits and composition of spider assemblages in Mediterranean cherry orchards
N Rosas-Ramos, L Baños-Picón, J Tormos, JD Asís
PeerJ 8, e8856, 2020
Comparison of two Mediterranean crop systems: Polycrop favours trap-nesting solitary bees over monocrop
L Baños-Picón, F Torres, J Tormos, SF Gayubo, JD Asís
Basic and Applied Ecology 14 (3), 255-262, 2013
Analyzing insect community structure through the application of taxonomic distinctness measures
L Baños-Picón, JD Asís, SF Gayubo, J Tormos
Zoological Studies 48 (3), 298-314, 2009
Spatial Nest‐Settlement Decisions in Digger Wasps: Conspecifics Matter more than Heterospecifics and Previous Experience
JD Asís, Y Ballesteros, J Tormos, L Baños‐Picón, C Polidori
Ethology 120 (4), 340-353, 2014
Ecological infrastructures across Mediterranean agroecosystems: Towards an effective tool for evaluating their ecological quality
N Rosas-Ramos, L Baños-Picón, V Trivellone, M Moretti, J Tormos, ...
Agricultural systems 173, 355-363, 2019
Both landscape and local scale factors matter for the parental investment strategies of the pollinator Osmia caerulescens
N Rosas-Ramos, L Baños-Picón, E Tobajas, J Tormos, JD Asís
Journal of Apicultural Research 56 (1), 1-12, 2017
Effect of organic farming and agricultural abandonment on beneficial arthropod communities associated with olive groves in western Spain: implications for Bactrocera oleae …
V de Paz, E Tobajas, N Rosas-Ramos, J Tormos, JD Asís, L Baños-Picón
Insects 13 (1), 48, 2022
Diversity of insect pollinators in the Iberian Peninsula.
C Stefanescu, JD Asís, L Baños-Picón, X Cerdà, MA Marcos García, ...
Effects of traditional orchard abandonment and landscape context on the beneficial arthropod community in a Mediterranean agroecosystem
V de Paz, JD Asís, A Holzschuh, L Baños-Picón
Insects 14 (3), 277, 2023
Base de datos de abejas ibéricas
I Bartomeus, JB Lanuza, TJ Wood, L Carvalheiro, FP Molina, MÁ Collado, ...
Ecosistemas 31 (3), 2380-2380, 2022
Behavioural and ecological data on Dryudella stigma (Panzer, 1809)(Hymenoptera, Astatidae) with the first description of the mature larva
P Olszewski, P Bogusch, M Mięsikowski, L Baños-Picón, R Puchałka
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 82, 305-316, 2021
Low Host Specialization in the Cuckoo Wasp, Parnopes grandior, Weakens Chemical Mimicry but Does Not Lead to Local Adaption
C Polidori, Y Ballesteros, M Wurdack, JD Asís, J Tormos, L Baños-Picón, ...
Insects 11 (2), 136, 2020
Disentangling the benefits of organic farming for beetle communities (Insecta: Coleoptera) in traditional fruit orchards
N Rosas-Ramos, JD Asís, E Tobajas, V de Paz, L Baños-Picón
Agriculture 12 (2), 243, 2022
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