Mark Hubbe
Mark Hubbe
Department of Anthropology - The Ohio State University
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Citované v
Reconstructing the deep population history of Central and South America
C Posth, N Nakatsuka, I Lazaridis, P Skoglund, S Mallick, TC Lamnidis, ...
Cell 175 (5), 1185-1197. e22, 2018
Climate signatures in the morphological differentiation of worldwide modern human populations
M Hubbe, T Hanihara, K Harvati
The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary …, 2009
Cranial morphology of early Americans from Lagoa Santa, Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World
WA Neves, M Hubbe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (51), 18309-18314, 2005
The nutrition transition in Amazonia: rapid economic change and its impact on growth and development in Ribeirinhos
BA Piperata, JE Spence, P Da‐Gloria, M Hubbe
American journal of physical anthropology 146 (1), 1-13, 2011
Early Holocene human skeletal remains from Sumidouro Cave, Lagoa Santa, Brazil: History of discoveries, geological and chronological context, and comparative cranial morphology
WA Neves, M Hubbe, LB Piló
Journal of Human Evolution 52 (1), 16-30, 2007
Testing evolutionary and dispersion scenarios for the settlement of the New World
M Hubbe, WA Neves, K Harvati
PLoS One 5 (6), e11105, 2010
Human skeletal remains from Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia: a case of Paleoamerican morphology late survival in South America?
WA Neves, M Hubbe, G Correal
American journal of physical anthropology 133 (4), 1080-1098, 2007
A new early Holocene human skeleton from Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World
WA Neves, M Hubbe, MMM Okumura, R González-José, L Figuti, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 48 (4), 403-414, 2005
Testing modern human out-of-Africa dispersal models and implications for modern human origins
H Reyes-Centeno, M Hubbe, T Hanihara, C Stringer, K Harvati
Journal of human evolution 87, 95-106, 2015
Paleoamerican morphology in the context of European and East Asian late Pleistocene variation: Implications for human dispersion into the new world
M Hubbe, K Harvati, W Neves
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144 (3), 442-453, 2011
Early Holocene human skeletal remains from Cerca Grande, Lagoa Santa, Central Brazil, and the origins of the first Americans
W Neves, R González-José, M Hubbe, R Kipnis, A Araujo, O Blasi
World Archaeology 36 (4), 479-501, 2004
Dental health in Northern Chile's Atacama oases: Evaluating the Middle Horizon (AD 500–1000) impact on local diet
M Hubbe, C Torres‐Rouff, WA Neves, LM King, P Da‐Gloria, MA Costa
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 148 (1), 62-72, 2012
Early Holocene survival of megafauna in South America
DW Steadman, PS Martin, RDE MacPhee, AJT Jull, HG McDonald, ...
Journal of Biogeography, 1642-1646, 2007
Influencia de Tiwanaku en la calidad de vida biológica de la población prehistórica de San Pedro de Atacama
MA Costa, W Alves Neves, M Hubbe
Estudios atacameños, 103-116, 2004
The oldest case of decapitation in the New World (Lapa do Santo, east-central Brazil)
A Strauss, RE Oliveira, DV Bernardo, DC Salazar-García, S Talamo, ...
PLoS One 10 (9), e0137456, 2015
The Brazilian megamastofauna of the Pleistocene/Holocene transition and its relationship with the early human settlement of the continent
A Hubbe, M Hubbe, WA Neves
Earth-Science Reviews 118, 1-10, 2013
Identification and importance of critical depositional gaps in pitfall cave environments: the fossiliferous deposit of Cuvieri Cave, eastern Brazil
A Hubbe, PM Haddad-Martim, M Hubbe, EL Mayer, A Strauss, AS Auler, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 312 (1-2), 66-78, 2011
Evolutionary population history of early Paleoamerican cranial morphology
N von Cramon-Taubadel, A Strauss, M Hubbe
Science advances 3 (2), e1602289, 2017
Craniometric similarities within and between human populations in comparison with neutral genetic data
A Strauss, M Hubbe
Human Biology 82 (3), 315-330, 2010
Early South Americans cranial morphological variation and the origin of American biological diversity
M Hubbe, A Strauss, A Hubbe, WA Neves
PLoS One 10 (10), e0138090, 2015
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