Abinesh Ganapathy
Abinesh Ganapathy
Research Scholar, IIT Roorkee
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Citované v
Impact of climate change on stormwater drainage in urban areas
S Kumar, A Agarwal, A Ganapathy, VGK Villuri, S Pasupuleti, D Kumar, ...
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment, 1-20, 2022
Drought characterization over Indian sub-continent using GRACE-based indices
S Rawat, A Ganapathy, A Agarwal
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 15432, 2022
Customized sea-surface temperature indicators linking to streamflow at different timescales
A Ganapathy, A Agarwal
Int. J. Climatol 42, 9641-9655, 2022
Improved estimation of extreme floods with data pooling and mixed probability distribution
A Ganapathy, DM Hannah, A Agarwal
Journal of Hydrology 629, 130633, 2024
Drought characterization over Indian sub-continent using GRACE-based indices. Sci Rep 12: 15432
S Rawat, A Ganapathy, A Agarwal
Investigating streamflow variability and hydroclimatic teleconnections: a comparison of regulated and unregulated streamflow stations
T Pant, A Ganapathy, A Agarwal
Journal of Water and Climate Change 13 (2), 1123-1150, 2022
Flood classification based on hydrograph characteristics
A Ganapathy, DM Hannah, A Agarwal
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H34B-04, 2022
Climate-Informed-Seasonal Mixing Approach to Estimate Flood Quantiles
A Ganapathy, B Merz, S Vorogushyn, A Agarwal
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1125, 2024
Hydrograph-based flood classification approach for flood frequency analysis
A Ganapathy, DM Hannah, A Agarwal
XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics …, 2023
Flood frequency analysis integrated with unprecedented flood samples and mixed probability distribution
A Ganapathy, DM Hannah, A Agarwal
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-4046, 2023
Unraveling multiscale relationship between Germany streamflow and global SST using climate networks
A Ganapathy, R Guntu, U Öztürk, B Merz, A Agarwal
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Spatiotemporal assessment of terrestrial water storage over Indian sub-continent
S Rawat, A Ganapathy, R Guntu, A Agarwal
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Scope, Effects and Mitigation of Hydropeaking: A Case Study of Lundesokna, Gaula River
NN Devi, A Ganapathy, YS Chang, BYS Angulo
Significance of incorporating drivers in Flood Frequency Analysis
A Ganapathy, A Agarwal
Frontiers in Hydrology 2022, 400-05, 2022
Event clustering approach for flood frequency analysis
A Ganapathy, A Agarwal
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-93, 2022
Network-based approach to unravel sea-surface temperature and streamflow connectivity at different timescales
A Ganapathy, RK Guntu, U Ozturk, B Merz, A Agarwal
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-4670, 2021
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