michele ciofalo
michele ciofalo
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Citované v
Electrodialysis for water desalination: A critical assessment of recent developments on process fundamentals, models and applications
A Campione, L Gurreri, M Ciofalo, G Micale, A Tamburini, A Cipollina
Desalination 434, 121-160, 2018
Numerical prediction of flow fields in baffled stirred vessels: A comparison of alternative modelling approaches
A Brucato, M Ciofalo, F Grisafi, G Micale
Chemical Engineering Science 53 (21), 3653-3684, 1998
Investigation of flow and heat transfer in corrugated passages—II. Numerical simulations
M Ciofalo, J Stasiek, MW Collins
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (1), 165-192, 1996
Investigation of flow and heat transfer in corrugated passages—I. Experimental results
J Stasiek, MW Collins, M Ciofalo, PE Chew
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (1), 149-164, 1996
Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow in an unbaffled stirred tank driven by a Rushton turbine
R Alcamo, G Micale, F Grisafi, A Brucato, M Ciofalo
Chemical Engineering Science 60 (8-9), 2303-2316, 2005
Turbulent flow in closed and free-surface unbaffled tanks stirred by radial impellers
M Ciofalo, A Brucato, F Grisafi, N Torraca
Chemical Engineering Science 51 (14), 3557-3573, 1996
Numerical prediction of turbulent flow and heat transfer in helically coiled pipes
I Di Piazza, M Ciofalo
International journal of thermal sciences 49 (4), 653-663, 2010
CFD prediction of concentration polarization phenomena in spacer-filled channels for reverse electrodialysis
L Gurreri, A Tamburini, A Cipollina, G Micale, M Ciofalo
Journal of membrane science 468, 133-148, 2014
Reverse electrodialysis heat engine for sustainable power production
A Tamburini, M Tedesco, A Cipollina, G Micale, M Ciofalo, M Papapetrou, ...
Applied Energy 206, 1334-1353, 2017
CFD simulations of dense solid–liquid suspensions in baffled stirred tanks: Prediction of suspension curves
A Tamburini, A Cipollina, G Micale, A Brucato, M Ciofalo
Chemical Engineering Journal 178, 324-341, 2011
Determination of limiting current density and current efficiency in electrodialysis units
M La Cerva, L Gurreri, M Tedesco, A Cipollina, M Ciofalo, A Tamburini, ...
Desalination 445, 138-148, 2018
Flow and mass transfer in spacer-filled channels for reverse electrodialysis: a CFD parametrical study
L Gurreri, A Tamburini, A Cipollina, G Micale, M Ciofalo
Journal of Membrane Science 497, 300-317, 2016
k-ε Predictions of Heat Transfer in Turbulent Recirculating Flows Using an Improved Wall Treatment
M Ciofalo, MW Collins
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 15 (1), 21-47, 1989
CFD simulations of dense solid–liquid suspensions in baffled stirred tanks: Prediction of solid particle distribution
A Tamburini, A Cipollina, G Micale, A Brucato, M Ciofalo
Chemical engineering journal 223, 875-890, 2013
Investigation of the cooling of hot walls by liquid water sprays
M Ciofalo, I Di Piazza, V Brucato
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 42 (7), 1157-1175, 1999
CFD simulations of dense solid–liquid suspensions in baffled stirred tanks: Prediction of the minimum impeller speed for complete suspension
A Tamburini, A Cipollina, G Micale, A Brucato, M Ciofalo
Chemical engineering journal 193, 234-255, 2012
On the simulation of stirred tank reactors via computational fluid dynamics
A Brucato, M Ciofalo, F Grisafi, R Tocco
Chemical engineering science 55 (2), 291-302, 2000
Coupling CFD with a one-dimensional model to predict the performance of reverse electrodialysis stacks
MF La Cerva, M Di Liberto, L Gurreri, A Tamburini, A Cipollina, G Micale, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 541, 595-610, 2017
Dense solid–liquid off-bottom suspension dynamics: simulation and experiment
A Tamburini, A Cipollina, G Micale, M Ciofalo, A Brucato
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 87 (4), 587-597, 2009
Prediction of flow fields in a dual‐impeller stirred vessel
G Micale, A Brucato, F Grisafi, M Ciofalo
AIChE journal 45 (3), 445-464, 1999
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