Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Henrik Lindhjem, PhDĎalšie informácie
Dostupné niekde: 37
Ecosystem services and cultural values as building blocks for ‘the good life’. A case study in the community of Røst, Lofoten Islands, Norway
BP Kaltenborn, JDC Linnell, EG Baggethun, H Lindhjem, J Thomassen, ...
Ecological economics 140, 166-176, 2017
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Acceptance of wind power development and exposure–Not-in-anybody's-backyard
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Energy Policy 147, 111780, 2020
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Mapping value plurality towards ecosystem services in the case of Norwegian wildlife management: A Q analysis
YK Bredin, H Lindhjem, J van Dijk, JDC Linnell
Ecological Economics 118, 198-206, 2015
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Environmental and economic impacts of biochar production and agricultural use in six developing and middle-income countries
M Owsianiak, H Lindhjem, G Cornelissen, SE Hale, E Sørmo, M Sparrevik
Science of The Total Environment 755, 2020
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Public acceptance and willingness to pay cost-effective taxes on red meat and city traffic in Norway
KM Grimsrud, H Lindhjem, IV Sem, KE Rosendahl
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 9 (3), 251-268, 2020
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Forest owners’ participation in voluntary biodiversity conservation: what does it take to forgo forestry for eternity?
Y Mitani, H Lindhjem
Land Economics 91 (2), 235-251, 2015
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Using the generalised Q method in ecological economics: A better way to capture representative values and perspectives in ecosystem service management
K Grimsrud, M Graesse, H Lindhjem
Ecological Economics 170, 106588, 2020
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
The social benefits and costs of preserving forest biodiversity and ecosystem services
H Lindhjem, K Grimsrud, S Navrud, SO Kolle
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 4 (2), 202-222, 2015
Príkazy: European Commission, Research Council of Norway
Complacency or resilience? Perceptions of environmental and social change in Lofoten and Vesterålen in northern Norway
BP Kaltenborn, JDC Linnell, J Thomassen, H Lindhjem
Ocean & coastal management 138, 29-37, 2017
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Efficient Spatial Distribution of Wind Power Plants Given Environmental Externalities due to Turbines and Grids
K Grimsrud, C Hagem, A Lind, H Lindhjem
Energy Economics 102, 2021
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Trade-Offs in the Transition to a Blue Economy-Mapping Social Acceptance of Aquaculture Expansion in Norway
M Aanesen, M Czajkowski, S Lindhjem, Navrud
Science of the Total Environment 859, 160199 859, 2023
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway, Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Scope elasticity of willingness to pay in discrete choice experiments
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Environmental and Resource Economics 80, 21–57, 2021
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Influence of spatial differentiation in impact assessment for LCA-based decision support: implementation of biochar technology in Indonesia
M Owsianiak, G Cornelissen, SE Hale, H Lindhjem, M Sparrevik
Journal of Cleaner Production 200, 259-268, 2018
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Place attachment and preferences for wind energy – A value-based approach
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Energy Research & Social Science 100, 2023
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Spatial trade-offs in national land-based wind power production in times of biodiversity and climate crises
K Grimsrud, C Hagem, K Haaskjold, H Lindhjem, M Nowell
Environmental and Resource Economics 87, 401–436, 2024
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Perceived effects of climate policy on rural areas and agriculture: A rural-urban divide
K Mittenzwei, G Gustavsen, K Grimsrud, H Lindhjem, H Bjørkhaug
Journal of Rural Studies 100, 2023
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Smartphone and tablet effects in contingent valuation web surveys–No reason to worry?
MA Skeie, H Lindhjem, S Skjeflo, S Navrud
Ecological Economics 165, 106390, 2019
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Explaining landscape preference heterogeneity using machine learning-based survey analysis
X Liu, E Tvinnereim, K Grimsrud, H Lindhjem, LG Velle, HI Saure, H Lee
Landscape Research 46 (3), 417-434, 2021
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
Moving (back) to greener pastures? Social benefits and costs of climate forest planting in Norway
EK Iversen, H Lindhjem, JB Jacobsen, K Grimsrud
Land Use Policy 107, 104390, 2021
Príkazy: Danish National Research Foundation, Research Council of Norway
Meta-analysis of Landowner Participation in Voluntary Incentive Programs for Provision of Forest Ecosystem Services
Y Mitani, H Lindhjem
Conservation Biology 36 (1), 2022
Príkazy: Research Council of Norway
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