Mukhsinun Hadi Kusuma
Mukhsinun Hadi Kusuma
Centre for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia
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Citované v
Passive cooling system in a nuclear spent fuel pool using a vertical straight wickless-heat pipe
MH Kusuma, N Putra, AR Antariksawan, RA Koestoer, S Widodo, ...
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 126, 162-171, 2018
Investigation of the thermal performance of a vertical two-phase closed thermosyphon as a passive cooling system for a nuclear reactor spent fuel storage pool
MH Kusuma, N Putra, AR Antariksawan, FA Imawan
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 49 (3), 476-483, 2017
Estimation of natural circulation flow based on temperature in the FASSIP-02 large-scale test loop facility
M Juarsa, AR Antariksawan, MH Kusuma, D Haryanto, N Putra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 105 (1), 012091, 2018
Preliminary study on mass flow rate in passive cooling experimental simulation during transient using NC-queen apparatus
M Juarsa, JH Purba, HM Kusuma, T Setiadipura, S Widodo
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia, 2014
Simulation of wickless-heat pipe as passive cooling system in nuclear spent fuel pool using RELAP5/MOD3. 2
MH Kusuma, NSD Putra, S Ismarwanti, S Widodo
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2017
Numerical study on natural circulation characteristics in FASSIP-02 experimental facility using RELAP5 code
AR Antariksawan, S Widodo, M Juarsa, D Haryanto, MH Kusuma, N Putra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 105 (1), 012090, 2018
Simulation of operational conditions of FASSIP-02 natural circulation cooling system experimental loop
AR Antariksawan, S Widodo, M Juarsa, D Haryanto, MH Kusuma, N Putra
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear …, 2018
Susyadi, FA Imawan, Investigation of the thermal performance of a vertical two-phase closed thermosyphon as a passive cooling system for a nuclear reactor spent fuel storage pool
MH Kusuma, N Putra, AR Antariksawan
Nucl. Eng. Technol 49, 476-483, 2017
Simulation of heat flux effect in straight heat pipe as passive residual heat removal system in light water reactor using RELAP5 Mod 3.2
MH Kusuma, N Putra, S Widodo, AR Antariksawan
Applied Mechanics and Materials 819, 122-126, 2016
TRIGA 2000 Research Reactor Thermal-hydraulic Analysis Using RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3. 4
AR Antariksawan, E Umar, S Widodo, M Juarsa, MH Kusuma
International Journal of Technology 8 (4), 698-708, 2017
Sistem pendingin pasif di kolam penyimpanan bahan bakar bekas nuklir dengan menggunakan pipa kalor= Passive cooling system in nuclear spent fuel storage pool using heat pipe
MH Kusuma
Universitas Indonesia, 2017
Preliminary investigation on natural circulation flow using CFD and calculation base on experimental data pre-FASSIP-02
M Juarsa, AR Antariksawan, MH Kusuma, N Putra, PP Moniaga
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 (2), 022073, 2019
Preliminary investigation of natural circulation stability in FASSIP-01 experimental facility using RELAP5 code
AR Antariksawan, S Widodo, M Juarsa, G Giarno, MH Kusuma, N Putra
AIP Conference Proceedings 2001 (1), 2018
A New Cascade Solar Desalination System with Integrated Thermosyphons
MH Kusuma, N Putra, RE Respati
Int. J. Technol 9 (2), 297-306, 2018
The simulation of heat transfers and flow characterization on wickless loop heat pipe
A Rosidi, G Giarno, D Haryanto, YDS Pambudi, MH Kusuma
Jurnal Polimesin 20 (1), 29-35, 2022
Experimental and numerical simulation investigation of single-phase natural circulation in a large scale rectangular loop
AR Antariksawan, S Widodo, M Juarsa, S Ismarwanti, D Saptoadi, ...
Atom Indonesia, 2019
Analisis kekuatan mekanik water cooling tank pada fasilitas uji untai PASSIF-02 menggunakan CATIA
DH Haryanto, G Giarno, JP Witoko, S Hatmoko, K Santosa, M Juarsa, ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin POROS 16 (1), 79-85, 2018
Investigation on the performance of a wickless-heat pipe using Graphene nanofluid for passive cooling system
MH Kusuma, N Putra, A Rosidi, S Ismarwanti, AR Antariksawan, T Ardiyati, ...
Atom Indones 45, 173-182, 2019
Effective thermal conductivity of U-shaped heat pipe
MH Kusuma, U Setiorini, TAR Putri, GAR Antariksawan, M Juarsa
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 550 (1), 012004, 2019
Preliminary investigation of wickless-heat pipe as passive cooling system in emergency cooling tank
MH Kusuma, N Putra, AR Antariksawan, M Juarsa, S Widodo, T Ardiyati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2001 (1), 2018
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