Sasvari Peter
Sasvari Peter
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The use of gamification in higher education: An empirical study
I Varannai, P Sasvari, A Urbanovics
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 8 (10), 2017
Exercise addiction and its related factors in amateur runners
A Lukács, P Sasvári, B Varga, K Mayer
Journal of behavioral addictions 8 (2), 343-349, 2019
Could on-line voting boost desire to vote?–Technology acceptance perceptions of young Hungarian citizens
A Nemeslaki, M Aranyossy, P Sasvári
Government Information Quarterly 33 (4), 705-714, 2016
Health‐related quality of life of adolescents with type 1 diabetes in the context of resilience
A Lukács, K Mayer, P Sasvári, L Barkai
Pediatric diabetes 19 (8), 1481-1486, 2018
Evaluation of the COVID-19 regulations in the Visegrad group
A Urbanovics, P Sasvári, B Teleki
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 15 (4), 645-657, 2021
Generic and disease-specific quality of life in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: comparison to age-matched healthy peers
A Lukács, P Sasvári, A Török, L Barkai
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 29 (7), 769-775, 2016
Exploring the influence of scientific journal ranking on publication performance in the Hungarian social sciences: The case of law and economics
P Sasvári, A Nemeslaki, L Duma
Scientometrics 119 (2), 595-616, 2019
Physical activity and physical fitness as protective factors of adolescent health
A Lukács, P Sasvári, E Kiss-Tóth
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health 32 (6), 20180017, 2020
Risk of eating disorders in university students: an international study in Hungary, Poland and Ukraine
A Lukács, M Wasilewska, O Sopel, MP Tavolacci, B Varga, M Mandziuk, ...
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health 33 (6), 415-420, 2021
Az egyetemi előmenetel és a publikációs teljesítmény kapcsolata= Correlations Between Academic Career Tracks and Publication Performance
PL Sasvári, G Bakacsi, A Urbanovics
Magyar Tudomány 182 (6), 806-822, 2021
The Effects of Technology and Innovation on Society
P Sasvari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.3911, 2013
Screening risk factors for type 2 diabetes in overweight and obese adolescents in school settings of Hungary: A population-based study
A Lukacs, E Kiss-Tóth, A Csordas, P Sasvari, L Barkai
Journal of King Saud University-Science 30 (2), 176-179, 2018
Az információs rendszerek kisvállalati alkalmazásának vizsgálata
PL Sasvári
Vezetéstudomány-Budapest Management Review 43 (1. ksz), 56-65, 2012
Tudományos folyóiratok méltányos rangsorolása az MTA Gazdasági és Jogi Osztályában: Mit mutatnak az adatok?
L Sasvári Péter, A Nemeslaki
Magyar Tudomány 178 (1), 80-91, 2017
Merre tovább egyetemi tanárok, avagy az új publikációs minimum aspektusai a társadalomtudományban
PL Sasvári, A Urbanovics
Sozial und Wirtschafts Forschungsgruppe, 2019
Eating disorder in university students: an international multi-institutional study
E Kiss-Tóth, M Wasilewska, O Sopel, M Mandziuk, J Ladner, B Varga, ...
European Journal of Public Health 28 (suppl_4), cky214. 010, 2018
Old monarchy in the new cyberspace: empirical examination of information security awareness among Austrian and Hungarian enterprises
P Sasvári, A Nemeslaki, W Rauch
Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science 15 …, 2015
The role of technology and innovation in the framework of the information society
P Sasvari
International journal of advanced research in artificial intelligence 1 (2 …, 2012
Scientific career tracks and publication performance-relationships discovered in the Hungarian academic promotion system
P Sasvari, G Bakacsi, A Urbanovics
Heliyon 8 (3), 2022
State of digital literacy: preparedness of higher education students for e-administration in Hungary
L Berényi, PL Sasvári
Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days, 347-356, 2018
Systém momentálne nemôže vykonať operáciu. Skúste to neskôr.
Články 1–20