Olivier Cotto
Olivier Cotto
INRAE, Plant Health Institute of Montpellier
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Citované v
A dynamic eco-evolutionary model predicts slow response of alpine plants to climate warming
O Cotto, J Wessely, D Georges, G Klonner, M Schmid, S Dullinger, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 15399, 2017
Maladaptive shifts in life history in a changing environment
O Cotto, L Sandell, LM Chevin, O Ronce
The American Naturalist 194 (4), 558-573, 2019
Stochastic evolutionary demography under a fluctuating optimum phenotype
LM Chevin, O Cotto, J Ashander
The American Naturalist 190 (6), 786-802, 2017
Maladaptation as a source of senescence in habitats variable in space and time
O Cotto, O Ronce
Evolution 68 (9), 2481-2493, 2014
Nemo‐age: Spatially explicit simulations of eco‐evolutionary dynamics in stage‐structured populations under changing environments
O Cotto, M Schmid, F Guillaume
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (10), 1227-1236, 2020
The roles of sexual and viability selection in the evolution of incomplete reproductive isolation: from allopatry to sympatry
O Cotto, MR Servedio
The American Naturalist 190 (5), 680-693, 2017
Optimal life-history strategy differs between philopatric and dispersing individuals in a metapopulation
O Cotto, A Kubisch, O Ronce
The American Naturalist 183 (3), 384-393, 2014
Optimal life‐history schedule in a metapopulation with juvenile dispersal
O Cotto, I Olivieri, O Ronce
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (5), 944-954, 2013
A null model for the distribution of fitness effects of mutations
O Cotto, T Day
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (23), e2218200120, 2023
Fluctuations in lifetime selection in an autocorrelated environment
O Cotto, LM Chevin
Theoretical population biology 134, 119-128, 2020
Dispersal as a source of variation in age-specific reproductive strategies in a wild population of lizards
O Cotto, M Massot, O Ronce, J Clobert
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1820), 20151741, 2015
Adaptation of a quantitative trait to a changing environment: New analytical insights on the asexual and infinitesimal sexual models
J Garnier, O Cotto, E Bouin, T Bourgeron, T Lepoutre, O Ronce, V Calvez
Theoretical Population Biology 152, 1-22, 2023
Adaptation to a changing environment: what me Normal?
J Garnier, O Cotto, T Bourgeron, E Bouin, T Lepoutre, O Ronce, V Calvez
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.13248, 2022
The evolution of age‐specific choosiness when mating
O Cotto, T Day
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34 (3), 477-485, 2021
Residence-colonization trade-off and niche differentiation enable the coexistence of Escherichia coli phylogroups in healthy humans
T Morel-Journel, S Lehtinen, O Cotto, R Amia, O Clermont, S Dion, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.08. 10.552787, 2023
The evolution of age-specific choosiness and reproductive isolation in a model with overlapping generations
O Cotto, MR Servedio, T Day
Evolution 76 (2), 225-235, 2022
Estimation des nombres de reproduction de base et effectif de la sharka
N Daurelle, A Quillévéré-Hamard, G Thébaud, O Cotto
20èmes Rencontres de Virologie Végétale, 2025
Within-Host Dynamics and Duration of Colonization of Travel-Acquired Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacterales in Untreated Individuals
O Cotto, L Armand-Lefèvre, S Matheron, E Ruppé, F Blanquart
Clinical Infectious Diseases 77 (6), 934-936, 2023
Within-host density and duration of colonization of multidrug-resistant Enterobacterales acquired during travel to the tropics
O Cotto, L Armand-Lefèvre, S Matheron, E Ruppé, F Blanquart
bioRxiv, 2023.03. 03.530937, 2023
Efficiency of anti-sharka control strategies
N Daurelle, A Quillévéré-Hamard, O Cotto, G Thébaud
19e Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV), 2023
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