Alibaba’s discourse for the digital Silk Road: the electronic World Trade Platform and ‘inclusive globalization’ MF Vila Seoane Chinese Journal of Communication 13 (1), 68-83, 2020 | 101* | 2020 |
The second cold war: US-China competition for centrality in infrastructure, digital, production, and finance networks S Schindler, I Alami, J DiCarlo, N Jepson, S Rolf, MK Bayırbağ, L Cyuzuzo, ... Geopolitics 29 (4), 1083-1120, 2024 | 81 | 2024 |
Transiciones hacia una agricultura sostenible: el nicho de la apicultura orgánica en una cooperativa Argentina M Vila Seoane, A Marín Mundo agrario 18 (37), 00-00, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
Science, technology and innovation in the context of development: An overview of concepts and corresponding policies recommended by international organisations A Schwachula, M Vila Seoane, AK Hornidge ZEF Working Paper Series, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
The rise of the infrastructure state: How US–China rivalry shapes politics and place worldwide MK Bayırbağ, A Camba, J Cruz, G Lim, M DeBoom, C Enns, B Bersaglio, ... Policy Press, 2022 | 28 | 2022 |
Nanotecnología: su desarrollo en Argentina, sus características y tendencias a nivel mundial MF Vila Seoane | 25 | 2012 |
Data securitisation: The challenges of data sovereignty in India MF Vila Seoane Third World Quarterly 42 (8), 1733-1750, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Los desafíos de la nanotecnología para el “desarrollo” en Argentina MF Vila Seoane Mundo nano. Revista interdisciplinaria en nanociencias y nanotecnología 7 …, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Ciberpolítica, digitalización y relaciones internacionales: un enfoque desde la literatura crítica de economía política internacional MV Seoane, M Saguier Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |
The social shaping of media technologies’ multiple uses: The case of Mídia NINJA in Brazil M Vila Seoane, AK Hornidge Information, Communication & Society 23 (2), 288-303, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Transferencia de tecnologías a una cooperativa en Argentina: Un estudio de casos MF Vila Seoane, LM Guagliano, O Galante, AA Arciénaga Morales Journal of technology management & innovation 8, 18-18, 2013 | 15 | 2013 |
Cultura Viva, a Challenge to the Creative Economy Policy Discourse in Brazil MV Seoane Bulletin of Latin American Research 36 (4), 424-439, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Cyberpolitics and IPE: towards a research agenda in the Global South M Vila Seoane, M Saguier The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy: Conversations and Inquiries, 2020 | 11* | 2020 |
Chinese and U.S. AI and cloud multinational corporations in Latin America MF Vila Seoane Towards an International Political Economy of Artificial Intelligence, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
China’s digital diplomacy on Twitter: The multiple reactions to the Belt and Road Initiative MF Vila Seoane Global Media and Communication 19 (2), 161-183, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Argentina and the spatial politics of extractive infrastructures under US-China tensions M Saguier, MF Vila Seoane The Rise of the Infrastructure State: How US-China Rivalry Shapes Politics …, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Digitalización, automatización y empresas transnacionales de seguridad privada en áreas con capacidad estatal limitada M Vila Seoane Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad 13 (2), 247-272, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
The Chinese surveillance state in Latin America? Evidence from Argentina and Ecuador M Facundo Vila Seoane, C Morena Álvarez Velasco The Information Society 40 (2), 154-167, 2024 | 5 | 2024 |
Palabras clave para la búsqueda de información en áreas prioritarias MF Vila Seoane, G Arber, F Bassotti Albornoz M., y Paza L., Agenda, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Normative Market Europe? The Contested Governance of Cyber-surveillance Technologies M Vila Seoane Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance: Actors, Practices and …, 2020 | 4* | 2020 |