Maximiliano F Vila Seoane
Maximiliano F Vila Seoane
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Citované v
Alibaba’s discourse for the digital Silk Road: the electronic World Trade Platform and ‘inclusive globalization’
MF Vila Seoane
Chinese Journal of Communication 13 (1), 68-83, 2020
The second cold war: US-China competition for centrality in infrastructure, digital, production, and finance networks
S Schindler, I Alami, J DiCarlo, N Jepson, S Rolf, MK Bayırbağ, L Cyuzuzo, ...
Geopolitics 29 (4), 1083-1120, 2024
Transiciones hacia una agricultura sostenible: el nicho de la apicultura orgánica en una cooperativa Argentina
M Vila Seoane, A Marín
Mundo agrario 18 (37), 00-00, 2017
Science, technology and innovation in the context of development: An overview of concepts and corresponding policies recommended by international organisations
A Schwachula, M Vila Seoane, AK Hornidge
ZEF Working Paper Series, 2014
The rise of the infrastructure state: How US–China rivalry shapes politics and place worldwide
MK Bayırbağ, A Camba, J Cruz, G Lim, M DeBoom, C Enns, B Bersaglio, ...
Policy Press, 2022
Nanotecnología: su desarrollo en Argentina, sus características y tendencias a nivel mundial
MF Vila Seoane
Data securitisation: The challenges of data sovereignty in India
MF Vila Seoane
Third World Quarterly 42 (8), 1733-1750, 2021
Los desafíos de la nanotecnología para el “desarrollo” en Argentina
MF Vila Seoane
Mundo nano. Revista interdisciplinaria en nanociencias y nanotecnología 7 …, 2014
Ciberpolítica, digitalización y relaciones internacionales: un enfoque desde la literatura crítica de economía política internacional
MV Seoane, M Saguier
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2019
The social shaping of media technologies’ multiple uses: The case of Mídia NINJA in Brazil
M Vila Seoane, AK Hornidge
Information, Communication & Society 23 (2), 288-303, 2020
Transferencia de tecnologías a una cooperativa en Argentina: Un estudio de casos
MF Vila Seoane, LM Guagliano, O Galante, AA Arciénaga Morales
Journal of technology management & innovation 8, 18-18, 2013
Cultura Viva, a Challenge to the Creative Economy Policy Discourse in Brazil
MV Seoane
Bulletin of Latin American Research 36 (4), 424-439, 2017
Cyberpolitics and IPE: towards a research agenda in the Global South
M Vila Seoane, M Saguier
The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy: Conversations and Inquiries, 2020
Chinese and U.S. AI and cloud multinational corporations in Latin America
MF Vila Seoane
Towards an International Political Economy of Artificial Intelligence, 2021
China’s digital diplomacy on Twitter: The multiple reactions to the Belt and Road Initiative
MF Vila Seoane
Global Media and Communication 19 (2), 161-183, 2023
Argentina and the spatial politics of extractive infrastructures under US-China tensions
M Saguier, MF Vila Seoane
The Rise of the Infrastructure State: How US-China Rivalry Shapes Politics …, 2022
Digitalización, automatización y empresas transnacionales de seguridad privada en áreas con capacidad estatal limitada
M Vila Seoane
Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad 13 (2), 247-272, 2018
The Chinese surveillance state in Latin America? Evidence from Argentina and Ecuador
M Facundo Vila Seoane, C Morena Álvarez Velasco
The Information Society 40 (2), 154-167, 2024
Palabras clave para la búsqueda de información en áreas prioritarias
MF Vila Seoane, G Arber, F Bassotti
Albornoz M., y Paza L., Agenda, 2011
Normative Market Europe? The Contested Governance of Cyber-surveillance Technologies
M Vila Seoane
Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance: Actors, Practices and …, 2020
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