Srikumar Venugopal
Srikumar Venugopal
IBM Research Europe - Dublin
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Citované v
Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility
R Buyya, CS Yeo, S Venugopal, J Broberg, I Brandic
Future Generation computer systems 25 (6), 599-616, 2009
Market-oriented cloud computing: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering it services as computing utilities
R Buyya, CS Yeo, S Venugopal
2008 10th IEEE international conference on high performance computing and …, 2008
Cost of virtual machine live migration in clouds: A performance evaluation
W Voorsluys, J Broberg, S Venugopal, R Buyya
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, 254-265, 2009
The grid economy
R Buyya, D Abramson, S Venugopal
Proceedings of the IEEE 93 (3), 698-714, 2005
A taxonomy of data grids for distributed data sharing, management, and processing
S Venugopal, R Buyya, K Ramamohanarao
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 38 (1), 3, 2006
The gridbus toolkit for service oriented grid and utility computing: An overview and status report
R Buyya, S Venugopal
Grid Economics and Business Models, 2004. GECON 2004. 1st IEEE International …, 2004
A toolkit for modelling and simulating data Grids: an extension to GridSim
A Sulistio, U Cibej, S Venugopal, B Robic, R Buyya
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20 (13), 1591-1609, 2008
Market-oriented grids and utility computing: The state-of-the-art and future directions
J Broberg, S Venugopal, R Buyya
Journal of Grid Computing 6 (3), 255-276, 2008
A grid service broker for scheduling distributed data-oriented applications on global grids
S Venugopal, R Buyya, L Winton
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Middleware for grid computing, 75-80, 2004
System and method for grid and cloud computing
R Buyya, S Venugopal, X Chu, K Nadiminti
US Patent 8,230,070, 2012
System and method for grid and cloud computing
R Buyya, S Venugopal, X Chu, K Nadiminti
US Patent 8,230,070, 2012
A Grid service broker for scheduling e‐Science applications on global data Grids
S Venugopal, R Buyya, L Winton
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18 (6), 685-699, 2006
Scheduling parameter sweep applications on global Grids: a deadline and budget constrained cost–time optimization algorithm
R Buyya, M Murshed, D Abramson, S Venugopal
Software: Practice and Experience 35 (5), 491-512, 2005
A gentle introduction to grid computing and technologies
R Buyya, S Venugopal
database 2, R3, 2005
A dynamic critical path algorithm for scheduling scientific workflow applications on global grids
M Rahman, S Venugopal, R Buyya
Third IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e …, 2007
Alchemi: A. NET-based Enterprise Grid Computing System.
A Luther, R Buyya, R Ranjan, S Venugopal
International Conference on Internet Computing, 269-278, 2005
Elastic business process management: State of the art and open challenges for BPM in the cloud
S Schulte, C Janiesch, S Venugopal, I Weber, P Hoenisch
Autonomic metered pricing for a utility computing service
CS Yeo, S Venugopal, X Chu, R Buyya
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (8), 1368-1380, 2010
A dynamic job grouping-based scheduling for deploying applications with fine-grained tasks on global grids
N Muthuvelu, J Liu, NL Soe, S Venugopal, A Sulistio, R Buyya
Proceedings of the 2005 Australasian workshop on Grid computing and e …, 2005
Aneka: Next-generation enterprise grid platform for e-science and e-business applications
X Chu, K Nadiminti, C Jin, S Venugopal, R Buyya
Third IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e …, 2007
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