Stephen De Lisle
Stephen De Lisle
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Correlated evolution of allometry and sexual dimorphism across higher taxa
SP De Lisle, L Rowe
The American Naturalist 182 (5), 630-639, 2013
Correlational selection in the age of genomics
EI Svensson, SJ Arnold, R Bürger, K Csilléry, J Draghi, JM Henshaw, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 5 (5), 562-573, 2021
On the standardization of fitness and traits in comparative studies of phenotypic selection
SP De Lisle, EI Svensson
Evolution 71 (10), 2313-2326, 2017
Climatic factors and species range position predict sexually antagonistic selection across taxa
SP De Lisle, D Goedert, AM Reedy, EI Svensson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Understanding the evolution of ecological sex differences: Integrating character displacement and the Darwin-Bateman paradigm
SP De Lisle
Evolution Letters 3 (5), 434-447, 2019
Evolutionary gain and loss of a pathological immune response to parasitism
JN Weber, NC Steinel, F Peng, KC Shim, BK Lohman, LE Fuess, ...
Science 377 (6611), 1206-1211, 2022
Ecological character displacement between the sexes
SP De Lisle, L Rowe
The American Naturalist 186 (6), 693-707, 2015
Independent evolution of the sexes promotes amphibian diversification
SP De Lisle, L Rowe
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1803), 20142213, 2015
Behavioral and physiological female responses to male sex ratio bias in a pond-breeding amphibian
KL Grayson, SP De Lisle, JE Jackson, SJ Black, EJ Crespi
Frontiers in Zoology 9, 1-10, 2012
A multivariate view of parallel evolution
SP De Lisle, DI Bolnick
Evolution 74 (7), 1466-1481, 2020
Male and female reproductive fitness costs of an immune response in natural populations
SP De Lisle, DI Bolnick
Evolution 75 (10), 2509-2523, 2021
On the evolution of trophic position
M Moosmann, M Cuenca‐Cambronero, S De Lisle, R Greenway, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (12), 2549-2562, 2021
Sexual dimorphism in a top predator (Notophthalmus viridescens) drives aquatic prey community assembly
D Start, S De Lisle
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1890), 20181717, 2018
Survival, Breeding Frequency, and Migratory Orientation in the Jefferson Salamander, Ambystoma Jeffersonianum
SP De Lisle, KL Grayson
Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6 (2), 215, 2011
Interacting phenotypes and the coevolutionary process: Interspecific indirect genetic effects alter coevolutionary dynamics
SP De Lisle, DI Bolnick, ED Brodie III, AJ Moore, JW McGlothlin
Evolution 76 (3), 429-444, 2022
Phenotypic plasticity is aligned with phenological adaptation on both micro‐and macroevolutionary timescales
SP De Lisle, MI Mäenpää, EI Svensson
Ecology letters 25 (4), 790-801, 2022
Disruptive natural selection predicts divergence between the sexes during adaptive radiation
SP De Lisle, L Rowe
Ecology and Evolution 7 (10), 3590-3601, 2017
Interactive effects of competition and social environment on the expression of sexual dimorphism
SP De Lisle, L Rowe
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (6), 1069-1077, 2014
Parasitism and the expression of sexual dimorphism
SP De Lisle, L Rowe
Ecology and Evolution 5 (4), 961-967, 2015
Rapid evolution of ecological sexual dimorphism driven by resource competition
SP De Lisle
Ecology Letters 26 (1), 124-131, 2023
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