Sun-Min Jung
Sun-Min Jung
Department of Energy Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
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Citované v
An efficient and pH-universal ruthenium-based catalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction
J Mahmood, F Li, SM Jung, MS Okyay, I Ahmad, SJ Kim, N Park, ...
Nature nanotechnology 12 (5), 441-446, 2017
Nitrogenated holey two-dimensional structures
J Mahmood, EK Lee, M Jung, D Shin, IY Jeon, SM Jung, HJ Choi, JM Seo, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6486, 2015
Graphene for energy conversion and storage in fuel cells and supercapacitors
HJ Choi, SM Jung, JM Seo, DW Chang, L Dai, JB Baek
Nano Energy 1 (4), 534-551, 2012
Edge-carboxylated graphene nanosheets via ball milling
IY Jeon, YR Shin, GJ Sohn, HJ Choi, SY Bae, J Mahmood, SM Jung, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (15), 5588-5593, 2012
Large-scale production of edge-selectively functionalized graphene nanoplatelets via ball milling and their use as metal-free electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction
IY Jeon, HJ Choi, SM Jung, JM Seo, MJ Kim, L Dai, JB Baek
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (4), 1386-1393, 2013
Two-dimensional polyaniline (C3N) from carbonized organic single crystals in solid state
J Mahmood, EK Lee, M Jung, D Shin, HJ Choi, JM Seo, SM Jung, D Kim, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (27), 7414-7419, 2016
Facile, scalable synthesis of edge-halogenated graphene nanoplatelets as efficient metal-free eletrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction
IY Jeon, HJ Choi, M Choi, JM Seo, SM Jung, MJ Kim, S Zhang, L Zhang, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1810, 2013
Direct synthesis of a covalent triazine‐based framework from aromatic amides
SY Yu, J Mahmood, HJ Noh, JM Seo, SM Jung, SH Shin, YK Im, IY Jeon, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (28), 8438-8442, 2018
Direct nitrogen fixation at the edges of graphene nanoplatelets as efficient electrocatalysts for energy conversion
IY Jeon, HJ Choi, MJ Ju, IT Choi, K Lim, J Ko, HK Kim, JC Kim, JJ Lee, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2260, 2013
Graphene nanoplatelets doped with N at its edges as metal‐free cathodes for organic dye‐sensitized solar cells
MJ Ju, IY Jeon, JC Kim, K Lim, HJ Choi, SM Jung, IT Choi, YK Eom, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (19), 3055-3062, 2014
Cobalt Oxide Encapsulated in C2N-h2D Network Polymer as a Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution
J Mahmood, SM Jung, SJ Kim, J Park, JW Yoo, JB Baek
Chemistry of Materials 27 (13), 4860-4864, 2015
Defect-Free Encapsulation of Fe0 in 2D Fused Organic Networks as a Durable Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst
SJ Kim, J Mahmood, C Kim, GF Han, SW Kim, SM Jung, G Zhu, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (5), 1737-1742, 2018
Fe@ C2N: A highly-efficient indirect-contact oxygen reduction catalyst
J Mahmood, F Li, C Kim, HJ Choi, O Gwon, SM Jung, JM Seo, SJ Cho, ...
Nano Energy 44, 304-310, 2018
Macroporous Inverse Opal-like MoxC with Incorporated Mo Vacancies for Significantly Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution
F Li, X Zhao, J Mahmood, MS Okyay, SM Jung, I Ahmad, SJ Kim, GF Han, ...
ACS nano 11 (7), 7527-7533, 2017
Edge-selenated graphene nanoplatelets as durable metal-free catalysts for iodine reduction reaction in dye-sensitized solar cells
MJ Ju, IY Jeon, HM Kim, JI Choi, SM Jung, JM Seo, IT Choi, SH Kang, ...
Science advances 2 (6), e1501459, 2016
Controlled fabrication of hierarchically structured nitrogen‐doped carbon nanotubes as a highly active bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst
X Zhao, F Li, R Wang, JM Seo, HJ Choi, SM Jung, J Mahmood, IY Jeon, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (9), 1605717, 2017
Antimony-doped graphene nanoplatelets
IY Jeon, M Choi, HJ Choi, SM Jung, MJ Kim, JM Seo, SY Bae, S Yoo, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7123, 2015
The oxidation mechanism of highly ordered pyrolytic graphite in a nitric acid/sulfuric acid mixture
YR Shin, SM Jung, IY Jeon, JB Baek
Carbon 52, 493-498, 2013
Direct Solvothermal Synthesis of B/N‐Doped Graphene
SM Jung, EK Lee, M Choi, D Shin, IY Jeon, JM Seo, HY Jeong, N Park, ...
Angewandte Chemie 126 (9), 2430-2433, 2014
B-doped graphene as an electrochemically superior metal-free cathode material as compared to Pt over a Co (II)/Co (III) electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cell
SM Jung, IT Choi, K Lim, J Ko, JC Kim, JJ Lee, MJ Ju, HK Kim, JB Baek
Chemistry of Materials 26 (11), 3586-3591, 2014
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