Judith Kas
Judith Kas
Postdoctoral researcher, WZB Social Science Center Berlin
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Citované v
Citované v
The integration paradox: a review and meta-analysis of the complex relationship between integration and reports of discrimination
M Schaeffer, J Kas
International Migration Review 58 (3), 1384-1409, 2024
The role of reputation systems in digital discrimination
J Kas, R Corten, A van de Rijt
Socio-Economic Review, 2021
Automated governance mechanisms in digital labour platforms: how Uber nudges and sludges its drivers
B Uzunca, J Kas
Industry and Innovation 30 (6), 664-693, 2023
Trust spillovers in the sharing economy: Does international Airbnb experience foster cross‐national trust?
J Kas, J Delnoij, R Corten, P Parigi
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (3), 509-522, 2022
Barriers and best practices for the circular economy
B Bet, J Kas, D Truijens, S Lee, J Broere, E Leising, T Nuninga, P Bose, ...
Trust, reputation, and the value of promises in online auctions of used goods
J Kas, R Corten, A van de Rijt
Rationality and society 35 (4), 387-419, 2023
Reputations in mixed-role markets: a theory and an experimental test
J Kas, R Corten, A van de Rijt
Social science research 85, 102366, 2020
The integration paradox: Does awareness of the extent of ethno‐racial discrimination increase reports of discrimination?
M Schaeffer, J Kas
Political Psychology, 2024
The effect of online reputation systems on intergroup inequality
J Kas
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 96, 101800, 2022
Trust and reputation in the peer-to-peer platform economy
J Kas
Utrecht University, 2021
The Association between Actual and Perceived Discrimination (APAD): Technical Report
M Schaeffer, J Kas, P Hagedorn
OSF, 2023
The role of contextual and contentual signals for online trust: Evidence from a crowd work experiment
R Corten, J Kas, T Teubner, M Arets
Electronic Markets 33 (1), 41, 2023
Vertrouwen krijgen door vertrouwen te schenken
J Kas, R Corten, A van de Rijt
Mens en Maatschappij 96 (1), 125-129, 2021
The integration paradox: Do better integrated immigrants and their descendants perceive personal discrimination against them more accurately? Extension
J Kas, M Schaeffer
OSF, 2022
An experimental test of the hypothesis of the self-protecting properties of stigma
J Kas, M Schaeffer
OSF, 2021
Actual and Perceived Ethnic Discrimination
J Kas, M Schaeffer
OSF, 2021
The integration paradox: Is exposure to local news media explaining why the better integrated report more frequent experiences of discrimination?
J Kas, M Schaeffer
OSF, 2021
Steady steps versus sudden shifts: Cooperation in (a) symmetric linear and step-level social dilemmas
J Kas, DJ Hardisty, MJJ Handgraaf
Judgment and Decision Making 16 (1), 142-164, 2021
The Integration Paradox
M Schaeffer, J Kas
Systém momentálne nemôže vykonať operáciu. Skúste to neskôr.
Články 1–19