Jouni Lehtoranta
Jouni Lehtoranta
Senior researcher, Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE
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Citované v
Internal nutrient fluxes counteract decreases in external load: the case of the estuarial eastern Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
H Pitkänen, J Lehtoranta, A Räike
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 30 (4), 195-201, 2001
Shifting diatom—dinoflagellate dominance during spring bloom in the Baltic Sea and its potential effects on biogeochemical cycling
K Spilling, K Olli, J Lehtoranta, A Kremp, L Tedesco, T Tamelander, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 327, 2018
Does control of soil erosion inhibit aquatic eutrophication?
P Ekholm, J Lehtoranta
Journal of environmental management 93 (1), 140-146, 2012
Widespread increases in iron concentration in European and North American freshwaters
C Björnerås, GA Weyhenmeyer, CD Evans, MO Gessner, HP Grossart, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (10), 1488-1500, 2017
Coastal eutrophication thresholds: a matter of sediment microbial processes
J Lehtoranta, P Ekholm, H Pitkänen
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 38 (6), 303-308, 2009
Dissolved iron: phosphate ratio as an indicator of phosphate release to oxic water of the inner and outer coastal Baltic Sea
J Lehtoranta, AS Heiskanen
Hydrobiologia 492, 69-84, 2003
A simple sediment process description suitable for 3D-ecosystem modelling—Development and testing in the Gulf of Finland
M Kiirikki, J Lehtoranta, A Inkala, H Pitkänen, S Hietanen, POJ Hall, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 61 (1-2), 55-66, 2006
Dynamics of sediment phosphorus in the brackish Gulf of Finland
J Lehtoranta
Finnish Environment Institute, 2003
Contamination of River Kymijoki sediments with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and mercury and their transport to the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea
S Salo, M Verta, O Malve, M Korhonen, J Lehtoranta, H Kiviranta, ...
Chemosphere 73 (10), 1675-1683, 2008
Eutrophication-driven sediment microbial processes can explain the regional variation in phosphorus concentrations between Baltic Sea sub-basins
J Lehtoranta, P Ekholm, H Pitkaenen
Journal of Marine Systems 74 (1-2), 495-504, 2008
Iron–manganese concretions sustaining microbial life in the Baltic Sea: the structure of the bacterial community and enrichments in metal-oxidizing conditions
P Yli-Hemminki, KS Jørgensen, J Lehtoranta
Geomicrobiology Journal 31 (4), 263-275, 2014
The Gulf of Finland
H Pitkanen, J Lehtoranta, H Peltonen
Ecological Studies 197, 285, 2008
Benthic release of phosphorus and its relation to environmental conditions in the estuarial Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea, in the early 2000 s
H Pitkanen, J Lehtoranta, H Peltonen, A Laine, J Kotta, I Kotta, ...
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology, Ecology 52 (3 …, 2003
Off‐site impacts of erosion: eutrophication as an example
S Rekolainen, P Ekholm, L Heathwaite, J Lehtoranta, R Uusitalo
Soil erosion in Europe, 775-789, 2006
Binding of phosphate in sediment accumulation areas of the eastern Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
J Lehtoranta, H Pitkänen
Hydrobiologia 492, 55-67, 2003
Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans in fish downstream from a Ky-5 manufacturing
M Korhonen, M Verta, J Lehtoranta, H Kiviranta, T Vartiainen
Chemosphere 43 (4-7), 587-593, 2001
Net sedimentation and sediment-water nutrient fluxes in the eastern Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)
J Lehtoranta
Vie et Milieu/Life & Environment, 341-352, 1998
Diffuse sources dominate the sulfate load into Finnish surface waters
P Ekholm, J Lehtoranta, M Taka, T Sallantaus, J Riihimäki
Science of the Total Environment 748, 141297, 2020
Atmospheric forcing controlling inter-annual nutrient dynamics in the open Gulf of Finland
J Lehtoranta, OP Savchuk, J Elken, K Dahlbo, H Kuosa, M Raateoja, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 171, 4-20, 2017
Labile organic carbon regulates phosphorus release from eroded soil transported into anaerobic coastal systems
J Lehtoranta, P Ekholm, S Wahlström, P Tallberg, R Uusitalo
Ambio 44, 263-273, 2015
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