Dave Pasalich
Dave Pasalich
Research School of Psychology, The Australian National University
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Do callous‐unemotional traits moderate the relative importance of parental coercion versus warmth in child conduct problems? An observational study
DS Pasalich, MR Dadds, DJ Hawes, J Brennan
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52 (12), 1308-1315, 2011
Impaired attention to the eyes of attachment figures and the developmental origins of psychopathy
MR Dadds, J Jambrak, D Pasalich, DJ Hawes, J Brennan
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52 (3), 238-245, 2011
Attachment and callous‐unemotional traits in children with early‐onset conduct problems
DS Pasalich, MR Dadds, DJ Hawes, J Brennan
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 53 (8), 838-845, 2012
Common elements of adolescent prevention programs: minimizing burden while maximizing reach
MM Boustani, SL Frazier, KD Becker, M Bechor, SM Dinizulu, ...
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2015
Indirect effects of the fast track intervention on conduct disorder symptoms and callous-unemotional traits: Distinct pathways involving discipline and warmth
DS Pasalich, K Witkiewitz, RJ McMahon, EE Pinderhughes, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 44, 587-597, 2016
Cognitive and affective empathy in children with conduct problems: Additive and interactive effects of callous–unemotional traits and autism spectrum disorders symptoms
DS Pasalich, MR Dadds, DJ Hawes
Psychiatry research 219 (3), 625-630, 2014
Child abuse history in teen mothers and parent–child risk processes for offspring externalizing problems
DS Pasalich, M Cyr, Y Zheng, RJ McMahon, SJ Spieker
Child abuse & neglect 56, 89-98, 2016
Emotion socialization style in parents of children with callous–unemotional traits
DS Pasalich, DA Waschbusch, MR Dadds, DJ Hawes
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 45, 229-242, 2014
Indirect effects of early parenting on adult antisocial outcomes via adolescent conduct disorder symptoms and callous-unemotional traits
N Goulter, RJ McMahon, DS Pasalich, KA Dodge
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 49 (6), 930-942, 2020
Feasibility of intensive parent–child interaction therapy (I-PCIT): Results from an open trial
PA Graziano, DM Bagner, J Slavec, G Hungerford, K Kent, D Babinski, ...
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 37, 38-49, 2015
The longitudinal link between parenting and child aggression: The moderating effect of attachment security
M Cyr, DS Pasalich, RJ McMahon, SJ Spieker
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 45, 555-564, 2014
An attachment-based program for parents and teens
MM Moretti, DS Pasalich, KA O’Donnell
Handbook of attachment-based interventions, 375-400, 2017
Can parenting intervention prevent cascading effects from placement instability to insecure attachment to externalizing problems in maltreated toddlers?
DS Pasalich, CB Fleming, ML Oxford, Y Zheng, SJ Spieker
Child maltreatment 21 (3), 175-185, 2016
Assessing relational schemas in parents of children with externalizing behavior disorders: Reliability and validity of the Family Affective Attitude Rating Scale
DS Pasalich, MR Dadds, DJ Hawes, J Brennan
Psychiatry Research 185 (3), 438-443, 2011
The five minute speech sample as a measure of parent–child dynamics: Evidence from observational research
S Weston, DJ Hawes, D S Pasalich
Journal of Child and Family Studies 26, 118-136, 2017
Capturing parenting as a multidimensional and dynamic construct with a person-oriented approach
Y Zheng, DS Pasalich, C Oberth, RJ McMahon, EE Pinderhughes
Prevention Science 18 (3), 281-291, 2017
Expression and regulation of attachment-related emotions in children with conduct problems and callous–unemotional traits
MR Dadds, N Gale, M Godbee, C Moul, DS Pasalich, E Fink, DJ Hawes
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 47, 647-656, 2016
Does kinship vs. foster care better promote connectedness? A systematic review and meta-analysis
A Hassall, E Janse van Rensburg, S Trew, DJ Hawes, DS Pasalich
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 24 (4), 813-832, 2021
Observational coding strategies
DJ Hawes, MR Dadds, D Pasalich
The Oxford handbook of research strategies for clinical psychology 10, 2013
Attachment-and emotion-focused parenting interventions for child and adolescent externalizing and internalizing behaviors: A meta-analysis
S Jugovac, R O’Kearney, DJ Hawes, DS Pasalich
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 25 (4), 754-773, 2022
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