José Paulo Barbosa Mota
José Paulo Barbosa Mota
Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
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Citované v
Adsorption of natural gas and biogas components on activated carbon
IAAC Esteves, MSS Lopes, PMC Nunes, JPB Mota
Separation and Purification Technology 62 (2), 281-296, 2008
Dynamics of natural gas adsorption storage systems employing activated carbon
JPB Mota, AE Rodrigues, E Saatdjian, D Tondeur
Carbon 35 (9), 1259-1270, 1997
Improved virus purification processes for vaccines and gene therapy
P Nestola, C Peixoto, RRJS Silva, PM Alves, JPB Mota, MJT Carrondo
Biotechnology and bioengineering 112 (5), 843-857, 2015
Structural characterization of single-walled carbon nanotube bundles by experiment and molecular simulation
S Agnihotri, JPB Mota, M Rostam-Abadi, MJ Rood
Langmuir 21 (3), 896-904, 2005
Theoretical and experimental investigation of morphology and temperature effects on adsorption of organic vapors in single-walled carbon nanotubes
S Agnihotri, JPB Mota, M Rostam-Abadi, MJ Rood
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (15), 7640-7647, 2006
Anion-exchange membrane chromatography for purification of rotavirus-like particles
T Vicente, MFQ Sousa, C Peixoto, JPB Mota, PM Alves, MJT Carrondo
Journal of Membrane Science 311 (1-2), 270-283, 2008
Adsorption site analysis of impurity embedded single-walled carbon nanotube bundles
S Agnihotri, JPB Mota, M Rostam-Abadi, MJ Rood
Carbon 44 (12), 2376-2383, 2006
Impact of gas composition on natural gas storage by adsorption
JPB Mota
AIChE journal 45 (5), 986-996, 1999
A simulation model of a high-capacity methane adsorptive storage system
JP Barbosa Mota, E Saatdjian, D Tondeur, AE Rodrigues
Adsorption 1 (1), 17-27, 1995
Application of CFD in the study of supercritical fluid extraction with structured packing: wet pressure drop calculations
J Fernandes, PF Lisboa, PC Simoes, JPB Mota, E Saatdjian
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 50 (1), 61-68, 2009
Absorption of fluorinated greenhouse gases using fluorinated ionic liquids
JE Sosa, RPPL Ribeiro, PJ Castro, JPB Mota, JMM Araújo, AB Pereiro
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (45), 20769-20778, 2019
Rational design and optimization of downstream processes of virus particles for biopharmaceutical applications: Current advances
T Vicente, JPB Mota, C Peixoto, PM Alves, MJT Carrondo
Biotechnology advances 29 (6), 869-878, 2011
Computational-fluid-dynamics study of a Kenics static mixer as a heat exchanger for supercritical carbon dioxide
PF Lisboa, J Fernandes, PC Simões, JPB Mota, E Saatdjian
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 55 (1), 107-115, 2010
Adsorption equilibrium of carbon dioxide and nitrogen on the MIL-53 (Al) metal organic framework
BCR Camacho, RPPL Ribeiro, IAAC Esteves, JPB Mota
Separation and Purification Technology 141, 150-159, 2015
Ionic Liquid-Impregnated Metal–Organic Frameworks for CO2/CH4 Separation
TJ Ferreira, RPPL Ribeiro, JPB Mota, LPN Rebelo, JMSS Esperanca, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2 (12), 7933-7950, 2019
On chaotic advection in a static mixer
E Saatdjian, AJS Rodrigo, JPB Mota
Chemical Engineering Journal 187, 289-298, 2012
Simulation of a new hybrid membrane/pressure swing adsorption process for gas separation
I Esteves, JPB Mota
Desalination 148 (1-3), 275-280, 2002
Adenovirus purification by two-column, size-exclusion, simulated countercurrent chromatography
P Nestola, RJS Silva, C Peixoto, PM Alves, MJT Carrondo, JPB Mota
Journal of Chromatography A 1347, 111-121, 2014
Application of CFD in the study of supercritical fluid extraction with structured packing: dry pressure drop calculations
J Fernandes, PC Simoes, JPB Mota, E Saatdjian
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 47 (1), 17-24, 2008
Single‐column simulated‐moving‐bed process with recycle lag
JPB Mota, JMM Araújo
AIChE journal 51 (6), 1641-1653, 2005
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