Ash Levitt
Ash Levitt
No longer in academia. Formerly at Research Institute on Addictions, University at Buffalo, SUNY
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Motivational models of substance use: A review of theory and research on motives for using alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco
ML Cooper, E Kuntsche, A Levitt, LL Barber, S Wolf
The Oxford handbook of substance use and substance use disorders 1, 375-421, 2016
Attachment styles, sex motives, and sexual behavior: Evidence for gender-specific expressions of attachment dynamics.
ML Cooper, M Pioli, A Levitt, AE Talley, L Micheas, NL Collins
The Guilford Press, 2006
Daily alcohol use and romantic relationship functioning: Evidence of bidirectional, gender-, and context-specific effects
A Levitt, ML Cooper
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (12), 1706-1722, 2010
Husband and wife alcohol use as independent or interactive predictors of intimate partner violence
M Testa, A Kubiak, BM Quigley, RJ Houston, JL Derrick, A Levitt, ...
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 73 (2), 268-276, 2012
Motivational models of substance use
ML Cooper, E Kuntsche, A Levitt, LL Barber, S Wolf
Oxford handbooks online, 2015
Effects of administered alcohol on intimate partner interactions in a conflict resolution paradigm
M Testa, CA Crane, BM Quigley, A Levitt, KE Leonard
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 75 (2), 249-258, 2014
Sexual Behavior
ML Cooper, AE Talley, MS Sheldon, A Levitt, LL Barber
Handbook of approach and avoidance motivation, 615-631, 2013
Insecure attachment styles, relationship-drinking contexts, and marital alcohol problems: Testing the mediating role of relationship-specific drinking-to-cope motives.
A Levitt, KE Leonard
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 29 (3), 696, 2015
(Dis) similarity in impulsivity and marital satisfaction: A comparison of volatility, compatibility, and incompatibility hypotheses
JL Derrick, RJ Houston, BM Quigley, M Testa, A Kubiak, A Levitt, ...
Journal of research in personality 61, 35-49, 2016
The moderating effect of family involvement on substance use risk factors in adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral challenges
RC Schlauch, A Levitt, CM Connell, JS Kaufman
Addictive behaviors 38 (7), 2333-2342, 2013
Alcohol craving in patients diagnosed with a severe mental illness and alcohol use disorder: bidirectional relationships between approach and avoidance inclinations and drinking.
RC Schlauch, A Levitt, CM Bradizza, PR Stasiewicz, JF Lucke, SA Maisto, ...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81 (6), 1087, 2013
The language of intoxication: Preliminary investigations
A Levitt, KJ Sher, BD Bartholow
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 33 (3), 448-454, 2009
Relationship-specific alcohol expectancies and gender moderate the effects of relationship drinking contexts on daily relationship functioning.
ASH Levitt, JL Derrick, M Testa
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 75 (2), 269-278, 2014
Prenatal cocaine exposure and trajectories of externalizing behavior problems in early childhood: Examining the role of maternal negative affect
DS Molnar, A Levitt, RD Eiden, P Schuetze
Development and Psychopathology 26 (2), 515-528, 2014
Relationship-specific alcohol expectancies and relationship-drinking contexts: reciprocal influence and gender-specific effects over the first 9 years of marriage.
A Levitt, KE Leonard
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (4), 986, 2013
Alcohol, self-regulation and partner physical aggression: Actor-partner effects over a three-year time frame
BM Quigley, A Levitt, JL Derrick, M Testa, RJ Houston, KE Leonard
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 12, 130, 2018
Gender differences in natural language factors of subjective intoxication in college students: An experimental vignette study
A Levitt, RC Schlauch, BD Bartholow, KJ Sher
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 37 (12), 2145-2151, 2013
Should parents allow their adolescent children to drink at home? Family factors as predictors of alcohol involvement trajectories over 15 years
A Levitt, ML Cooper
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 76 (5), 661-670, 2015
Developmental transitions and emergent causative influences: Intimacy, influence, and alcohol problems during the early years of marriage.
A Levitt, KE Leonard
Oxford University Press, 2018
Approach and avoidance dimensions of craving predict drinking following treatment initiation in patients diagnosed with a severe mental illness and alcohol use disorder
RC Schlauch, CM Bradizza, A Levitt, PR Stasiewicz, SA Maisto, ...
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