Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Fernando R. Velázquez-QuesadaĎalšie informácie
Nedostupné nikde: 2
Generation and Selection of Abductive Explanations for Non-Omniscient Agents
F Soler-Toscano, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (2), 141-168, 2014
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Public and secret forgetting of propositional formulas
Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, E Sarrión-Morrillo, F Soler-Toscano, ...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Conference of the Spanish …, 2015
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Dostupné niekde: 16
An epistemic and dynamic approach to abductive reasoning: Abductive problem and abductive solution
FR Velázquez-Quesada, F Soler-Toscano, Á Nepomuceno-Fernández
Journal of Applied Logic 11 (4), 505-522, 2013
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Implicit, explicit and speculative knowledge
H van Ditmarsch, T French, FR Velázquez-Quesada, YN Wáng
Artificial Intelligence 256, 35-67, 2018
Príkazy: European Commission
Beliefs supported by binary arguments
C Shi, S Smets, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (2-3), 165-188, 2018
Príkazy: European Commission
An epistemic and dynamic approach to abductive reasoning: selecting the best explanation
Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, F Soler-Toscano, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Logic Journal of IGPL 21 (6), 943-961, 2013
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Forgetting complex propositions
D Fernández–Duque, Á Nepomuceno–Fernández, E Sarrión–Morrillo, ...
Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (6), 942-965, 2015
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Introspection as an action in relational models
R Fervari, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 108, 1-23, 2019
Príkazy: Government of Argentina
Bisimulations for Knowing How Logics
R Fervari, FR Velázquez-Quesada, Y Wang
The Review of Symbolic Logic, 1-37, 2021
Príkazy: Government of Argentina
Reliability-based preference dynamics: lexicographic upgrade
FR Velázquez-Quesada
Journal of Logic and Computation 27 (8), 2341-2381, 2017
Príkazy: European Commission
Awareness of and awareness that: their combination and dynamics
C Fernández-Fernández, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (4), 601-626, 2021
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Dynamic epistemic logics of introspection
R Fervari, FR Velázquez-Quesada
International Workshop on Dynamic Logic, 82-97, 2017
Príkazy: European Commission, Government of Argentina
The Fundamental Problem of Contemporary Epistemology
Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, F Soler-Toscano, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Teorema: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 89-103, 2014
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Reconsidering the ‘ingredients’ of explicit knowledge
The Logica Yearbook, 47-60, 2017
Príkazy: Government of Spain
Logic of justified beliefs based on argumentation
C Shi, S Smets, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Erkenntnis 88 (3), 1207-1243, 2023
Príkazy: National Natural Science Foundation of China
First Steps in Updating Knowing How
C Areces, R Fervari, AR Saravia, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Príkazy: Government of Argentina
Uncertainty-based knowing how logic
C Areces, R Fervari, AR Saravia, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Journal of Logic and Computation 35 (1), 1-35, 2025
Príkazy: European Commission
Tuning the Program Transformers from LCC to PDL
P Pardo, E Sarrión-Morillo, F Soler-Toscano, FR Velázquez-Quesada
Journal of Applied Logics—IFCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications …, 2018
Príkazy: Government of Spain, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
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